Energy Connoisseur C-9 or KEF Q-7 for my Tube Amp

I have a small room and like rock but listen to a bit of everything and need speakers that are versatile. I want speakers that are forward, dynamic, clear, powerful, and have bass. ****Ill be driving the speakers with a Jolida 302B tube amp****. I have IXOS Super Gamma 7 bi-wire and Audience Conductor interconnects.

I can either get the Energy Connoisseur C-9 or KEF Q-7. *I really want the energys but the question is is my Jolida 302B enough (50 WPC) to drive them well?*

They would work ok for powering the mid's and tweeters alright..still better with more power however, but adequate. On the other hand, YOU MOST DEFINITELY WOULD NEED TO "EQ" YOUR WOOFERS IN THAT SMALL ROOM! No doubt a bout it really! Really, that small room can't support anything much under 35hz, so consider.
The subs have controls on them you know. I think im going to get the BP7004, unless someone says otherwise.
Ok, I say otherwise! you can't get them now(ha ha)!
Actually, of course they have volume controls, like all active powered sub towers. HOWEVER...AND PAY ATTENTION HERE....just because they have volume adjustment over the bass, DOES NOT MEAN YOU'LL BE ABLE TO SIMPLY ADJUST FOR GOOD BASS RESPONSE IN THAT SMALL ROOM! Infact, you'll have major challenges getting flat, fast, "non-boomy", "detailed", well defined, unbloated, balanced, natural, "non-dominating, even bass in that room!..even with adjustement to the controls! The reason?..the room modes in the room, and limited placment/seating options!
You may not even think twice nor consider this. But for accurate hi-fidelity bass, "EQ'ing" and proper set up in that room with those speakers is REALLY NECESSARY for great, even descent results! me. I'm an acoustical engineer, have sold Def tech for years, installed way too much of it(as with others), and understand room acoutics greatly.
of course, if you care little of accurate bass, and non-small room boomy unrefined accurate audiophile sound, then you can certainly stick those full range speakers in your small room, and simply have a "boom fest!" Because that's wahat you're going to get without knowoing what you're doing, and proper adjustement. Basically, be prepared for lots of room anomilies in your bass...with gives the sound that "small room boom" signature, and unatural fundamental sound. IF this matters to you.
Personally, if I were you, I'd look into a good Rane PE17 parametric EQ for the bass woofers, and learn how to use it!!!!!! The differnce in sound is LIGHT YEARS over what you'll likely end up with. Of course, you can get a great deal the way there by playing with speaker and seating adjustment/placment. Still, EQing will do the rest, and you'll need it!!
Why am I harping on this? Becuase this is where everyone screws up, ending up with mediocre sound. You can aviod this!
If you had a large room, with over 600 square feet of space, I'd say you could get away with simply tinkering with placment of gear/seats. But you don't have that luxery, you you're stuck with bass heavy, peaky, boomy, lumply, unatural response if you don't take care!
You've been casually warned...
..otherwise have fun....