DIY speakers vertical array a la "pipedreams" syst

Have any of you worked on a multi drivers vertical array type of speakers ...something that would look like a diminutive version of the systems ?

What were the results?

i have a suddent interest in knowing why so many people
prefer this kind of setup to systems of equivalent quality drivers/enclosures with less in number ...

Anyone has a good ressource for buying excellent drivers
( only the drviers ) and or reviews of such ?

i will need a 15-18" driver for my sub neway , even
if i still go with ESLs ..

But the vertical array systems attract me for a single reason, build is easy and it should cost equivalent to electrostatics ( since no need for $$$$ step up transformer
but multi drivers need to be purchased ..

I would be considering a desing of a few feet tall with a
front face of 12" to 18" maybe with an opened rear for dipole action since they can't reach the front in their resonnat frequency ...mmmm

could be something in the 3 feet tall in total
wonder how many driver i could place on that :p

what do you guys think?

then also, about the need to drive all the drivers,
will it ask for a really powerfull amplification ?
or since all the drivers are working less powerfull to
attain the equivalent sound pressure, they thus require less power ?

what do you think of nerafield acoustic theory that
having more drivers permits the drivers to be worked at lower power and drivers are more accurate at lower power?

thanks for your time,

anything will help :)
The GR Research people sell a well designed kit (link provided in my previous post) and include plans for the cabinet. You could email or call about open back design and see what his experience is.

As for shopping, I thought the price was great. $1995.00 for 16 BG ribbon assemblies and 18 woofers, plus all the crossover parts. You might do better but this way the design is worked out and leaves the creative cabinet, finish and other fun stuff to you.

I even considered this for myself I though it was such a good deal. I really don't need them since I already own Soundlab U-1's but the fun factor attracts me.

As for performance, I have not heard the kit but the Epiphany speakers showed great promise, even under show conditions.
In addition to the GR-Research Alpha LS kit that was designed by Danny Richie, you may want to talk with Rick Craig at Selah Audio. He also sells some line source array kits. Both Danny and Rich are great to talk with.
Bill Fitzmaurice has designed a "mega low-budget" line array using "throw-away" drivers from Parts Express. The total cost for drivers is phenomenally low ( under $100 ) and according to what he's "leaked" about the design, it is appr 99 dB's sensitive. Probably not the finest in sound, but for someone that wants to experiment with this type of project, i doubt if you could beat the "fun factor" and education achieved through the building of such an inexpensive project. Sean

Drop an email to Roger Russell, I am sure he would love to discuss tweeter tower designs and theory behind them with anyone.
I'm wondering if you ever found any plans for a line source dipole. Or if you found it was a bad idea, I've been thinking of doing something similar.