What is a Low Pass Filter

I can not fin a definition that a newbie like me can understand searching Audiogon. My Subwoofer, Sonus Faber Cremona, has 2 dials in the back. One for Low Pass Filter, switchable from 38-65Hz 6 positions and one for Gain that reads min to max.

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Thanks in advance for any help,

Low pass filter means only low frequency signals are sent through and high frequency signals are filtered. Opposite is true for a high pass filter. Your low pass filter is adjustable to allow a range of frequencies 38-65 hertz to be set, anything above is filtered out. Using the lowest 38 hertz setting will only allow that frequency and lower to be seen by the subwoofer, generally 20 hertz the lowest possible to humans. By increasing it more low signal will hit the subwoofer and most likely produce not necesarily more bass but more bass signal attenuation. The gain will allow you to separately adjust the level of the sub over your overall preamp level. To start leave the gain in "0" or neutral and try adjusting the filter to your listening tatses. My guess/taste is a lower setting for HT and higher for music.
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Thank you all for your responses. I am still a bit confused. Specifically One question: Does the Low Pass Filter completely filter out anything above the Low Pass Filter’s freq setting much like the PrePro's Sub cross over? Or does it reduce it somehow?
If it completely filters out anything above the Low Pass Filter’s freq setting than I have I been missing out on 15 freqs all this time? Since I was told that most people have the PrePro’s crossover at 80hz, that's what I did. And if the PrePro is sending all information 80hz and below to the sub and the sub filters out anything above the Low Pass Filter settings, than I have been missing all those freqs?
Also, Why would my sub highest Low Pass Filter be 65hz? Don’t they know that some people like sending the sub up to 80hz?
It seems that there should be a rule that the PrePro’s crossover can not exceeds the Low Pass Filter’s freq setting.