Mods to Apogee Scintillas?

Is it possible to improve these already amazing speakers. Has anyone put in new caps and inductors? If so, did they retain their magic and just become better, or did it materially change the sound? Are there any other mods worth considering?

A link to all Apogee models

I would stay with one of the full range ribbon models..the Stage's are the smallest full ribbon model but are not really full range without their subs.

IMO, the key to buying the correct model is you listeneng room. I would not stick the huge models in a small room or the small models in a huge room. All have great bass responce and image qualities when setup properly.

For instance: My Duetta Sig's over-load my 12'X 17' living room due to placement problems...My Centaur Miners sound great in that room.

My D. Sig's sound great in my 25'X 23' dedicated room and I don't even bother to use my sub's for music as their responce is strong to 27hz. I think I could move up the line to the Diva or Scintillas in this new room without overload and would love to give it a try in the future.

As to the sound of the different models, I have not been lucky enough to hear them all. There is a list somewere on the Apogee forum put together by the members that kind of ranks the different models (some members have heard almost all).

My Duetta Sig's: Lush with great inner detail (will pick apart poorly mixed recordings). Vocals are to die for (Krell Ksa-250 amp/Audioprism Mantissa Tube pre-amp). Bass is strong (the kind you can feel). Highs have correct amount of shimmer and sparkel with the only brightness comming from bright recordings. (mostly old rock) but not ALL old rock..they will buggie on the good old stuff!

Hope this helps a little

The Scintilla 1 ohm stands alone. It has benefited the most through the use of new ICE amps. Bel Canto can't do Scintillas. t least one member I know of has sold his Evo Gen II amps in favor of H2O amps.

Divas, Duettas, and Calipers are the other big Apogees. I know I left out the Full Range. It is a special case, and is the rarest.

The Kapton backed ribbon speakers have a more in your face presetation. At 4 ohms, they are relatively easy to power. All three sound splendid, loosing just that last bit of resolution the Scintilla affords. Their bass panels go deep, and are very fast, allowing wickedly quick articulation of deep bass notes.
Are any of you on the East Coast?

I could probably give a listen to the pair this gentleman has(forget which), as he has an absolute warehouse full of great equipment. As he was running down expensive stuff, he mentioned that he has a tremendous pair of Apogees in cherry that he cannot "give away" for $1500. He said no one is interested, to which I said, I might...

The reason I have always been curious is that once I heard the new Centaurs and was totally blown away. Not sure why I didn't buy them, as they were a pretty low cost speaker. People say the "real" Apogees are even better.

This Graz fellow who makes replacement ribbons seems to produce a product far superior to the original.

Get with Henry (the designer of the H2O amp) he has three pair of Apogees (Scintillas, Diva, Stage). I think those are the models. He is a great guy I am told and this would give you a chance to check out the amps and three different models of Apps. He lives in Virginia I think.

Yes, Graz's ribbons are better if and when we need them.
