Kharma ceramique 3 vs Sonus Faber guarniere

How about a comparison between Sonus Faber guarniere vs Kharma ceramique 3. I use gamut d200 mk3+ Bat vk 5i( pre) with SF Guaniere, the sound is good , but I would like to know about Kharma speakers, like ceramique 3 and ceramique 2. I know the kharama c3 is like SF guaniere a two way speaker, but how about the sound? is there a important improvment in change from SF for Kharma?
Sonus Faber Guarneri is more natural and realistic with better soundstage and coherence.
Does that answer your question? Looks like you should listen to both and see who's camp you're in.
Jtinn is right. I have the Kharma CRM 3.2s and they sound totally driverless. Even when something is recorded hard-left or hard-right it does not sound connected to the speaker. The transparency & left-right soundstaging & image-sizing is, IMHO, superior to the Wilson Watt Puppy 6s, which I owned for a year. (And of course, they do not have the notorious Watt Puppy abrasiveness, which caused me to part with them). Call Jtinn on the West coast or GTT audio on the east coast & listen to these babies. (I'm just a listener, with no connection to the audio business.)