What speakers to replace Paradigm 100.2? Help

Hello all

I have decided that I want to replace my beloved 100.2 next. I currently have a McIntosh MC7200 and C712 pre with a C333ES player and all MIT cables. I like the big sound a lot - which is why I still have these speakers. Most others I audition don't seem to pull that off. However my new room is small (14x14x8) and the Paradigms, although look ok, are a little too big. I want somewhat smaller speakers that won't leave me feeling like the bass is all gone. I would like better transparency and articulation as well. I would also like better efficiency so that I could have a tube setup in addition to SS down the road.

My current (very) short list:
Coincident Partial Eclipse II
JM Lab Electra 926

I open to most ideas. I want to stay in the $2500 used range. I live in the sticks and don't travel as much as I used to so I have to go on recommendations at this point. I heard the 926 and really liked them but wondered if they would be a little too laid back. Anyway, any ideas? Thank you!

So pick up a pair of used Merlin VSM's. Much better resolution and refinement, smaller (but with BAM), attractive. At least many people chose these at the show for their compactness, ease of transportation, transparancy, resolution, and they just plain sound great.
You could of course chose others. You say you want bass but smaller. Hummmmmm.
If you like warm sound (which MIT, MAC, and Paradigm are all warm sounding), you may search reviews for warmer tonality speakers. IF that doesn't matter (and I like more neutral over all in a speaker), you might consider picking up some used Sonus Faber Electa Amators. These are more resolved, like the Merlin VSM's, with the exact same drivers. Although Merlin claims his crossover is more friendly with different power requirements for best sound consistently(I can't argue).
Really however, there's a lot of ways you can go with excellent speakers used. B&W Nautilus 804's might get in at that price used. There's a plethora of large bookshelf monitors you could do, and still get solid bass down to 40hz range. And in that room, that's sufficient for most music you'll need(otherwise add a sub). Celestion Kingston's were $4k new. SF Electa Amators(like I said, original versions) were $5k new, $2k used. You might could find B&W Silver Sig's at $2500 used, or close, maybe.
Or, you could find the one's you mentioned to fill that itch if you can find them.
Really, the only way you'll know is to try in your room with your setup(which will be key). I'd do what all us other aduiophiles do, and that's trial and error...till you find what's right for your tastes.
If you motice the threads "best speaker you ever heard" or "speakers you'd never sell", everyone's got a different opinion on what they like.
How about Paradigm Signature? I have not heard them but they are what the Referecnce are not. They are many members here who have heard them and they all had the same opinion, none have come up with a negative opinion on the Signature series speakers. You can if you like add a sub at later stage.

Just my $0.02
try a pair of totem speakers. if you are looking for floor standing speakers listen to the forest. if you like a book shelf type of speaker, listen to the totem model 1's or the totem mani 2's. i have a couple pairs of the mani 2's (1 pr for my ht room, another pr for my audio room) and they are a highly regarded speaker for their full range, musical sound. they do need good amplification to perform their best. my audio room is about the size of your room and the mani 2's perform fantastic in there. good luck.