Merlin Owner's...

What's your favorite color?
I also have gone with piano black for the VSM-MX's, now I just have to figure out how to explain to my wife why the speakers look so much better all of a sudden :)
Tabl, with sunglasses of course... I wish I hadn't found that picture again. A pair of yellow vsm-mxs would look killer in here. Med school can't end fast enough...
just a though and my opinion of course but loud colors do take away from the enjoyment of the music in the end. i once owned a pair of light oak snell ias and always thought they sounded bright and would not disappear. i have found that darker speakers do diappear and because they draw less attention to themselves, allow you to get into the performance and the music to a greater degree. physco acoustics? you bet!
I almost always listen with my eyes closed and/or with the lights off. Even looking at my speakers, I'd swear they weren't playing. I have a hard time believing that even a flashing neon vsm wouldn't disappear even with my eyes open:-)
that would be just about as bad as that pair of bumble bees we made for rich at signature sound. man, i got a crazy headache just putting those things together.