Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?

Will my Creek 5350SE drive a pair of magnepan 1.6QRs? Room size is 25*12. If not could you recommend an amp for around $800-1000 to drive the maggies.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne
Apparently, you haven't understood my posts, because your cultist's mentality prohibits any deviation from the blind loyalty fawned upon your audio god, Siegfried Linkwitz. You have created a paradox that pertains to your phrase "true to the original". I also noted several other problems concerning your theories regarding "audio truth", which I then posted on your system thread. You addressed none of my observations. Instead you responded that I was angry, and should focus attention on my past life experiences, which resulted in my anger. I guess that in your mind, this is an audio related observation

So once again, I posed several questions, all audio related, on your system thread, which you have yet to answer. Here is one of those relevant questions which reveals a flaw in your theory. I am posting it here, for you to answer, so that we all might glean some knowledge and clarification of your position. Ready?

2) One of your dogmas states that ultra-low distortion is the only way one can get sound that is "true to the original". Is a linear frequency response also necessary for "true to the original" reproduction? How can your "reference" Shure Earbuds, which have 3 noticeable frequency peaks (according to Siegfried Linkwitz) possibly be "true to the original" if the reference transducer's output does not match the input?

A simple question in logic. We're waiting.........

While we wait (probably in vain) for your answer, the correct word to use is "implying" not "inferring" in your question posed to me, "Are you inferring that I have not made my position clear?"

Yes, that is exactly what I am implying!
Fatparrot, you couldn't be more clear. Can't wait to hear this one.
Didcactic, when someone comes over to you at a party and says they think you had too much to drink: you can, justifiably, rationalize that you're not drunk. When a second person comes over to you and says they think you had too much to drink: you know what? You had too much to drink. You're, obviously, not teachable or unwilling to even consider that you may, just, be too thin skinned and pigheaded; enough, to prevent the growth toward healthy human interaction. peace, warren
Man, looking at how many postings there were to such an innocuous question, I just knew that there was a fight happening!