Apogee Duetta signatures or mirage M3si?

Guys would love your advice re preference for either of these two models which are available to me at identical price...have theta dreadnaught and proceed pre...love the "natural"mirage sound which I have in the form of OM 6s as part of combined 2 channel and home cinema...never heard the Apogees..but knowing that I like the Mirage sound and enjoy all kinds of music(particularly jazz and motown) outside of heavy metal, how does the duetta presentation compare and what should I look for in the audition Im about to have re the Apogees in terms of their condition..Im preparing to set up a separate dedicated 2 channel system.... with love from down under Dave

I have listened to the M3si's many times and at one time almost bought a pair ( I liked them better than the bigger M1's).

I own Duetta Signatures and drive them with a SS amp and tube pre-amp.

Both speakers like a good amount of power and sound best well out from the wall behind them. The M3's should also be well away from side-walls as they are bi-polar design. The Apogees are di-pole and are not as effected by side-walls. Bass response is about the same for both...the M3's are darker sounding than the Duetta Sig's. The Duetta Sig's have the better midrange quality and both are slightly roled off at the extream treble response (not bright) sounding.

I am not sure if replacement parts can be had for the M3si's (maybe someone else will no) or you can call Mirage. Replacement ribbons for the Duetta Sig's can be found from a guy (Graz) who lives in your neck of the woods.

Not much help I know, but I like both speakers if setup properly. Your amp should not have a problem.

parts are still available for the M 3 so I'm sure the 3si parts are available just checked couple weeks ago.
Sogood51 wouldn't the Apogee have a more forward more in your face presentation than the Mirages and less soundstage depth also?
Thanks guys...is there any obvious things to look for on the Apogees re adverse wear annd tear? Im no technician and replacing parts would be beyond me if it was not the simplest of jobs...this clearly counts against them..I just thought that the Apogees would give me a little variety but the 3sis may be the safer bet