realworld experience: Kharma subwoofer + 3.2 CRM

Beyond the shows and the recent positive comments by Jon Valin in the latest Absolute Sound, does anyone own the Kharma subwoofer and 3.2 CRM combination. If so, would they like to share their experience. What about playing this combination fairly loud (e.g. alternative rock/rock) ? How does the combo compare to say the Grand Midi's ?
Yes,Audio 999,that is what I am talking anout.Two pairs of Lamm ML2.1s were used on these speakers and they ran out of gas.Ditto for the Tenor OTLs and the Tenor HPs didn't sound as good.TAS review is upcoming.
thanks Tpsonic for the clarification.

why mess with Diamond Midi-Exquisites when the regular Exquisite 1D's do it all and work great with all the amps you mention? the price of the two speakers is close enough that it shouldn't be an issue.
some interesting and varied responses ...

first, it doesn't seem that anyone has any personal experience beyond hearing it at the show ... is there anyone who actually owns the combo who would care to add anything ?

second, Exquisites Midi's or 1D's are out of my budget ... therefore, I'm primarily interested in knowing how the subwoofer/3.2FE CRM combo compares to some of the more "affordable" speakers (e.g. CE 2.2 or the Grand Ceramique Midi)

there does seem to be varying opinion as to whether the sub intereferes with the soundstaging of the 3.2 and how well they integrate compared to a more full-range Kharma speaker. J Valin in the Aug/Sept TAS suggests : "the 3.2s and their sub made a terrific combo-far more "of a piece" than I would ever have guessed ... " He then concludes: I could live with the Kharma 3.2/sub, and probably will." ... interesting ?

Any further thoughts. What about playing the combo reasonably loud vs. the 2.2 or Grand Midi ? (Even the Grand Midi is out of my budget, unless I buy a demo/used one).
I am good friends with Lloyd Walker.He stated to me that he prefers the 3.2/sub to the Midis.He had extended exposure to the two systems at the "Show".He mentioned that he was impressed with the "new" Kharma tweeter,but was interested in getting his hands on an Enigma sub to compliment his 3.2s. .From my understanding,from his trip to J.Valins',was that the "new" Midis were a bit of a pistol to drive {in the bass}.