Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.

No one out there has ever heard the classic series???

For those of you out there that like the signatures. what other speaker has the same virtues of subtle warmth, detail, sound-stage, amazing mids and of course excellent musicality?

Any input at all would be appreciated. Good or bad.
Hi Nick, I responded to your post over at AA. I guess very few have heard any FA speakers since, only Phil and me responded.

Go back to AA and do a word search for the Focus Audio FC-70. There was a poster at AA who no longer posts since he has finished his system.

But you can look up his posts and get some insight. You might also still be able to email him. If I remember right he listened to over 50 speakers before deciding on the 70's

Good luck!
Nick one more thing. Although Focus Audio dosen't have these listed at their website there are 3 professional reviews of the classic series.

Go to and type in focus audio and you will find 2 reviews of the 70's and 1 review of the 10's.

As Maxxc said, I responded to your post about the Classic series on Audioasylum. Basically the Classic series was designed and voiced by the same designer as the Signature series, so within the limitations of parts, materials, etc, you will get a speaker that has the same sensibilities as the Signature series speakers but without the obvious benefits of the best parts/materials.

Here are a couple of professional reviews of speakers from the Classic series: