Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.


As Maxxc said, I responded to your post about the Classic series on Audioasylum. Basically the Classic series was designed and voiced by the same designer as the Signature series, so within the limitations of parts, materials, etc, you will get a speaker that has the same sensibilities as the Signature series speakers but without the obvious benefits of the best parts/materials.

Here are a couple of professional reviews of speakers from the Classic series:
Hello Guys,

Thanks for your input. I acually spoke on the telephone to the guy with the FC-70s. He is looking to upgrade and spend about $4000 USD on some new speakers.

I saw them for sale on an online add. He is acually only about 3 hours drive from me. I am going to arange a listen in a few weeks. I just wanted some other peoples input before hand.

I did email a few dealers for input too.

Thanks again for your help guys.
Phil, if your still around :) I saw over at AA where you posted the list of the "top 10 bookshelves" from the Yk Audio magazine original article. I've never been able to find the article on line. looks like a interesting read.

Do you have the web address?


I have a .pdf copy of the original article (where the Focus FS688 is listed as #3), but it is in Chinese and I don't have the rights to post it on the web.

I also have an english translation of YK Chan's followup review of the FS688 where he says that after spending more time with it, the FS688 should have been #1 on the list. You can find that one here:

Here's the actual list (without discussion of why each was picked):

1 - Focus Audio FS688
2 - B&W Signature 805
3 - TAD TSM-300
4 - JMLabs Micro Utopia
5 - Goldmund Epilogue One
6 - ProAc Reference 8 Signature
7 - KEF LS3/5A
8 - Krell Lat-2
9 - Sonus Faber Guarneri
10 - Wilson WATT
Thanks Phil, So no actual discussion of why they were picked? That was actually what I was interested in: the why?

Best Wishes Maxx