Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.

Hi Guys,
So there are some poeple that have hear the incredible sound of the f688 out there. i have owned b&w 805 sigs, green mountain europas, dynaudio 1.3se and many more monitors...the f688 were ahead by leaps and bounds

I had all these speaker hooked up to sim audio gear and the result with the f688 took my breath away. I had to sell them because of money problems,
everyone regrets selling an audio item at some point in their life, selling the f688 was by far the biggest regret in audio. I will be getting anothe rpair in the near future
Sorry to hear that Jason. I had to sell my Jolida tube amp to buy the FS688's. So I hear what you are saying with money problems and having to sell beloved equipment.

Best Wishes Maxx
i have another pair on order as we speak!!
since i live in canada you would think the audio store I am dealing with would be able to get a pair in a couple far i have been waiting for a month...there are some poeple out there that know about true audio quality when they hear it..Enjoy
ps Maxx what do you have powering your f688?
Mail me the PDF. I can read Chinese & I'm happy to translate a sumarized version.

Whitty, I've Sig 805. How is the 688 better?

FYI - Focus has been swamped with orders from their distributors in the Far East, so they have been in short supply, particularly in the wood finishes. But the good news is that they have just completed a new production run, so if you have a pair on order, they should be available this week.