Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.

Nick is asking about the new "Classic Series". A less expensive current offering from FA. The 68 you mentioned was the forerunner to 688 and was from the original Signature series.

The Dealer is correct. The 9900 revelator (currently used in the 688) was only used in the $8800 flagship 88 speaker.

The dealer is also correct about the tolerances. Wilson matches its drivers to within 0.5db. Focus Audio matches their drivers within 0.25db.

Doug from Soundstage magazine on one of his posts at AA said in measurements at the NRC, the drivers in the FA688 were the closest matched of any drivers that Soundstage had ever tested. The 788's werent reviewed at the time and I'm sure they would test similar.

From what I have been told FA buys their drivers in batches of 200 then matches them and keeps a record of their results of file. Should a driver ever blow the measurements are on file so the replacement driver would be almost identical.
Hello Philnyc,

Here is a question for you seeing as you are a Focus Audio dealer and a Blue Circle dealer. The Blue Circle CS integrated has always peaked my interest seeing as it is very afordable and has great sonics from what I have from other people. However that fact that it is only 50 watts has always been a bit of a turn off. I know that 50 watts can go a long way, however it aslo can only go SO far before it runs out.

That being said, what do you think about this little guy. How does he sound? How would you compare it to my current amplification (Linn Pretek and an older Bryston 3B). My current amplification does pretty well, its sins are sins of ommision. There is lots of things it could do better, but only one thing that it does badly. Its bass can be a little tubby, that was a common complant with the older brystons up until the ST series.

Does this amp have the power to drive a pair of Focus Audio's. Say a pair of 688's or say some FC-70's? Do you know if it is Class A or AB? really I am just wondering how it sounds and does it have the guts to diliver slam when required? There are no Blue Circle dealers close to me so it would be one of those order whithout hearing items.


I'll try to be objective...

I absolutely love the Blue Circle CS Integrated! :-) As you say, it's "a little guy", but I like to think of it like you'd see a cute little kid with some serious talent. Certainly it is not on par with decent separates, but for $1150 I do think you get great value for the performance it does deliver.

Best way for me to describe the sound is to quote two of my customers. The first bought one to replace a Manley Stingray that he had to sell; he said "it's close, really close. At half the price, there's no question I prefer the CS integrated." The other customer's first reaction to it was "there's no tube? Really?" So basically I'd describe the sound as warm, engaging, with a tube-like quality (I personally won't go as far as to say it sounds like a tube amp, but it is night/day from most analytical sounding solid state stuff).

As far as the power goes (and whether it can run the Focus FS688), I use this integrated with a pair of FS688's in my office. My office is relatively small (12ft x 14ft). Honestly, if I was using it in a bigger room that was more for listening (and less for work), I'd feel that I'd want just a bit more power than the CS Integrated delivers. If you try to push the speakers with it, you notice that the bass loses a little bit of control. In a smaller room at up to moderate listening levels, I think the BC integrated does a very nice job with the FS688 (the FS688 has a relatively flat impedence curve, so even though it has a relatively low sensitivity of 85db, they aren't tremendously hard to drive). It may be a tougher sell to drive the FC-70 (which is 4ohm and needs a good high current amp).

I'll say unequivacally that the FS688 deserves *far* better electronics than the CS Integrated. This is not a knock on the CS Integrated, but the CS Integrated is an entry-level product, and the FS688 is in a performance class far above.

I've never heard your Linn Pretek or Bryston 3B, but I have heard a later-model Bryston 4SST (?). Sonically, I think Blue Circle overall is much more engaging when comparing comparably-priced amps. Bryston, paired with the right preamp, can sound very good, tho (maybe a Blue Circle preamp? Hmmm.. ;-)).

Hope this helps!

Sonic Spirits Inc.
Thank Phil,

Just out of curiosity, what speakers or speaker brands would you mate with CS integrated? I am looking for something that sounds good, is very engaging, non fatiguing but it must still be true to the music. To me the music is what it's about. I am just trying to get closer to it, and feel what the artist really put into the album and wanted me to hear. I don't want my gear making things up. Or be stuck either side of the music spectrum, not to analytical and cold nor to warm and mushy. I guess I want to have the best reference quality system I can afford. Something more in the middle and little on the warm side if anything.

Currently I find my system a little harsh and etched. I am blaming my speakers for most of it, thus this thread, however I know my amplification needs and upgrade too.

Currently my room is 10x12, but once I have children (no plans yet) my system will move into the main room. 14x21 and will probably be set up along the 21 foot wall giving putting me about 10 feet back from the speakers.

Thanks and again. Everyones help here is appreciated.


I haven't tried pairing the CS Integrated with a lot of speakers, but the few that I've heard with good success matching (ie. customer systems) are the Aurum Cantus Leisure 2SE, and Triangle Celius. I also think the Von Schweikert VR2 might fill your needs, although I'm less of a fan of the VRs.

For the North American distributor of Aurum Cantus, see:

And for something a little more esoteric, the Vince Christian E5 (see

Just curious, what source are you using?