Joule Electra VZN100 with Merlin VSM-MX.

Is this combo really so superb??
How compares the VZN100-VSM/MX combo with the very best combos out there (Tenot-Kharma, Wilson X1-Halcro, Boulder-Soundlab, etc. I´m considering this combo but here in Europe it´s close to impossible to hear one of them. Is this really one of the very few more natural and realistic combos out there regardless of price?
hi rushton,
your post caught my attention.
you know that i am a big fan of all of the amps you mentioned, a really big fan.
but i am interested in what way you prefer the the tonal characteristics of the berning to the joule and what you find the joule's sonic signature to be?
Hi Bobby,

And as I hope you gathered, I am a big fan of your VSM speakers. Ever since I first heard Lloyd Walker's tweaked out older pair, I have been impressed. Your new VSM-MX is, in my opinion, a superb speaker; I've really enjoyed listening to it in Sbank's system.

As to the amps, probably my preferred choice would be the Atma-Spheres. But as to the Joule, what I hear is a richness and bloom in the mid-bass (subtle) that adds a beautiful warmth and some seductive richness that, ultimately, I don't find as truthful as the Berning or the Atma-Sphere tonal balance. I also hear a complementary "sweetening" in the top end; not so much as to describe the amp as "polite" but still makes the amp more "pleasing" to my ear than neutral. I clearly don't want to overstate this, because compared to traditional transformer tube amps the Joule delivers so many of the benefits of an OTL design. This is why I suggested in my post that this may move closer to a matter of listening priorities. For me, I'd prefer the greater neutrality of the Atma-Sphere or the Berning. Also, I listen almost exclusively to vinyl with tube preamplifier so this may also sway my choices in finding the right synergy of equipment. And, I acknowledge not having heard the Joule recently so matters may have changed or my aural memory could be deficient. If you don't hear these same things (and they are subtle, not dramatic), I hope you'll balance my comments with your own so others are not mislead.

thanks for the input. there is no doubt that the ma1 sould always be mentioned in the absolute of the absolute. certainly very even handed. but i still find the joule to have less sonic complication. the berning is also fabulous but just a bit shy imo. the emphasis is more on a complete quality where ambient energy is at an all time high. certainly the ma1 and berning may even sound a little more extended in the bottom octave but imho not so in the treble. but you know, it really depends on the wire association as i think the berning sounds better with the audience and the joule with the cardas and one's opinion could change to a degree depending on the interface. in the end i do agree with your statement about the joule mid bass fullness but always found it to be a positive thing rather than something off neutral. as i said, in conjunction with the au24 this might be too much of a good thing but with the cardas it seems right on to me.
the ma1 and berning may indeed play better tone from top to bottom but the joule imho sounds less like an amp and lets you actually walk into the music as it is being performed. it sounds slightly more centered and because of this produces a holographic quality that is really quite remarkable.
just my take on things.
isn't it nice to know that we have so many great amps to consider these days?
you can also throw in the jl2 and jl3s from convergent into the discussion. totally relaxed huge dynamics and resolution out the ying yang.
thanks again.
"certainly the ma1 and berning may even sound a little more extended in the bottom octave but imho not so in the treble."

Boy I sure hear you there Bobby. The Joule/Merlin combo is in a very elite group of systems I've heard that get the critical high frequencies close to real. The Berning certainly has its virtues but really doesn't approach the Joule in this area. This is a really big deal to me because it is so rare to hear it in an audio system.
I can contribute a bit based onpersonal experience. I've heard Bobby's speakers with A-S and other gear and his speakers are superb. In fact, my nephew snapped up a pair on AG based on my recommendation. Bravo Bobby!

I own the Rites in Musicwood. I heard the VZN100s in a direct head-to-head with a Berning 270. I auditioned Berning, A-S, Cary and others and have heard CAT a few times.

IMHO, the Joule is the most harmonicallty fleshed out amp in the world. I think the other amps are terrific in there own right and personal preference and price is a consideration. But, Joule is the best. There is no hump or bump anywhere in the sonic envelope, but they powerfully render the acoustic envelope and this can fool you.

I suggest strongly that the midrange warmth you hear is a room interaction or mechanical vibration seeping back into the signal chain or a cabling issue. Joule's don't bloat. They are harmonically fleshed out and very right.

The others may sound more right in certain areas because they are thinner and excite the environment a bit less.

I do very much agree that wire plays an imporatnt part in getting the soundstage right. Bobby knows what works best with his gear, but I own Elrod and it is killer.