Upgrade Thiel CS3.6 to CS6??

I am thinking about bidding on a pair of Thiel CS6 speakers in bird's-eye maple, and would like some input from those of you familiar with these speakers. I have owned a pair of CS3.6's for seven and a-half years and I've been generally very pleased with their sound. Can anyone out there tell me what I can expect to gain in terms of sound and performance by upgrading? Do the CS6's have bi-amping/wiring capabilities? My current amp is a Mark Levinson No. 23.5 which is what I plan on using should I get the CS6. I'd imagine that should be adequate as it is capable of delivering 400 WPC continuous into a 4 ohm load. I also have a Mark Levinson No. 27.5 that could be used in a bi-amp setup if the speaker is capable. My listening preferences are extremely diverse and include rock, folk, classical, jazz, "adult alternative".

My other concern would be room size and the restriction to a fairly near-field listening position. My room is somewhat odd in its layout. The dimensions are: 13 feet wide and 22 feet long. The caveat is that the room opens into a foyer and is interrupted by a staircase that cuts off about half of the back wall. In other words, half of the back wall is 14 feet from the front wall and ends at the stairs, while the other half of the back wall is 22 feet from the front wall and extends into the foyer. I hope that made sense. Because of the staircase and foyer, I must sit about 8 feet from the front plane of the speakers. I keep the back edge of my CS3.6's about 30 inches away from the front wall and the center axis of each speaker lies 40 inches from each side wall. The speakers are 75 inches apart when measeured from the center axis of each. Is my room too small to accomodate the CS6's? Please keep in mind that I will likely be moving into a different home in the next 1-2 years (with definite plans for a dedicated larger listening room), so I could live with the current suboptimally sized room temporarily.

Thanks to all and happy listening!!

Hey Mark,

You may be shocked to find that the CS6 is a step backwards, other than the PCS, the CS6 is easily the worst speaker Thiel may have ever made.

I know the shizzel is going to rain down on that comment but three years having to listen that speaker at work was a major dissappointment, only speaker that was worse was the Amati homage. There should have been a 6.2 but there isn't and never will be. In fact if you look at the configuration, the CS6 is a 3.6 at twice the price and half the performance.

If you want to upgrade and stay with Thiel, buy a new pair of 2.4's which smoke any of the current thiels. The first one that doesn't have a sibilance problem... etc. Trade one of your amps for a subwoofer.

As a thiel owner and fan from the early 90's CS1.2, CS2.2 owner I can only tell you what misery it was to try to sell a brand that under performed so badly, CS2.3, PCS, CS7.2, CS6 all underwhelming speakers. Looked cool though.

Anyone with an ear will support my opinion the the 2.4 is a Phoenix rising from the ashes of a speaker line that has grown old and wasn't very good to start with.

The 2.4 is what your 3.6 was all those years ago a bargain at any price and a great speaker.

Hopefully that wasn't too emotional. :)
Wow...thanks!!...I think. I appreciate your honesty. Maybe I'll just keep the 3.6s.
Get the 2.4's they're twice as good as your 3.6's. and their smaller size will further be beneficial in suiting your room situation by giving you even more setup flexibility.

This past decade had been a long one when it has come to speaker technology and your speakers are on the long end of that decade. I wasn't sparing you the necessity to upgrade, I just wanted to make sure that if you were spending the money you'd get what you thought you were paying for. :)

Dear Edwards
I am also getting the CS2.4 as front speakers, MGS1 as center speaker, SS1 as subwoofer and probably Powerpoint or CS1.6 as rear surrounds. I am into HT and 2-channel music. I am looking at Pass Lab X5 as power amp. and a Simaudio Stargate or EDS Theartermaster 8800 pro as processor. What is your advice? I have not confirmed any of the above as yet.