help narrowing down my list of speakers, $2500

Hi, I will be buying some speakers shortly. I will have them paired with an Odyssey dual mono amp (plenty of power), Tempest (Odyssey) preamp, Ridge Street Audio interconnects and speaker cable, and an Audio Aero Prima cd player. Also I will be adding a sub soon, so bass shouldent be the deciding factor here. I have a small room (12' x 12') and my budget is $2500. I went to listen to some B&W's at the dealer and like what I heard from the Naut. 804's. Wide soundstage, clear, detailed, musical. Im looking for speakers like that. I usually listen to rock (old and new) so I want speakers that can handel that. My choices so far are:
-Sonus Faber
-Aerial Acoustics
-Tyler Acoustics

Any you think I should add to that list? Suggestions on what to take off? Thanks

Don't rule out the Vonschweikert VR2. It is a GREAT speaker that can be had new for less than $2500. Awesome all around performer that may make you think twice about needing a sub. Sorry if this post ignores details in the thread.....I did not read the whole thread.
Why are you ruling out B & W? They have the best resale value so you can buy used and if you do not like them sell them for what you paid for them. I have the 802N and almost everyone on Audiogon wrote that I should not get them. They basically said that they are not audiophile quality and what you really need to audition is ________. Well after trying all of these speakers, I came back to the B & W speakers and love them.
Jamiec001-So......where are you now in your search? Let us know how you made out.

Bryanhod- Funny. thats exactly where I landed also some 2 dozen speakers later...back to the B&W Matrix 801! This time with a much better amp and front end equipment, and upgraded crossovers from NorthCreekMusic. Thats what they needed all along. Glad to hear you are happy with your Nauts.
call ty at tyler acoustics you will get a better speaker that would cost you 2-3 times the price of the above mentioned speakers. why pay more when you can get more for less. its worth the call.after 25 years in this hobby i have finally wole up. go to stereo times and check out some reviews on his speakers
Dude your 14 and have 2.5k to spend on speakers!!!!! What the heck do your parents do for a living? And why are you not out playing baseball or something...

Ok my recomendation is JM Lab speakers. I have a set and love them they have a great sound field and the tweeter in them is amazing.

As for floor standers I say no for that room size.

And I personally love the Sonus Faber speakers but they really are not suited for rock...But I also dont think that B&W is that suited for rock because they tend to be to well ballanced for it in my op. If you want something more rocker and since you are just 14 how about trying out a set of Klipsh RB 75's?