After Srajan of mentioned that these speakers were sounding mighty fine in the Sistrum room at RMAF 2004, I went over and had a listen. One piece they played was a tough classical piece. The separation, stability, accuracy and coherency were very good, missing only just a little involvement (but it was not unmusical) and, what would you call it... charm? ...character? like, say, the Sonus Faber Extrema - which itself happens to sound the slightest bit boxey (which the Caravelles absolutely does not) and ... top-to-bottom even handedness? Well, that is part of the Extrema's charm, its brahzos, its raison d'etra if you will :-)
Similar to another granite enclosed monitor speaker design, that of Intuitive Designs, this sounded like a damn good small speaker to me for those who want high-dollar top-to-bottom accuracy and even handedness; a box-free, musical, and appropriately dynamic sound at a very reasonable price.
Mike (who doesn't sell or plan on selling any of these fine speakers, but does own the Extremas :-)
Similar to another granite enclosed monitor speaker design, that of Intuitive Designs, this sounded like a damn good small speaker to me for those who want high-dollar top-to-bottom accuracy and even handedness; a box-free, musical, and appropriately dynamic sound at a very reasonable price.
Mike (who doesn't sell or plan on selling any of these fine speakers, but does own the Extremas :-)