Greatness: Recognition at last

About nine months ago I received my pair of Harmonic Precision Caravelles. After the break in and total tympanic freak out, I got on the 'gon with my review, and went a bit gaga raving about these speakers. Well after nine months of absolute tympanic joy, low and behold, I read on, their mini Caravelle impressions at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. These babies should, now, get some of the recognition they deserve. It was, back 9 months ago, as it is now, very exciting to be on the ground floor of speaker greatness. Again, the Caravelles are like nothing I.....hey, there I go again. I'm happy for Starsound. Hope we'll hear more, when 6moons does an official review. peace, warren
After Srajan of mentioned that these speakers were sounding mighty fine in the Sistrum room at RMAF 2004, I went over and had a listen. One piece they played was a tough classical piece. The separation, stability, accuracy and coherency were very good, missing only just a little involvement (but it was not unmusical) and, what would you call it... charm? ...character? like, say, the Sonus Faber Extrema - which itself happens to sound the slightest bit boxey (which the Caravelles absolutely does not) and ... top-to-bottom even handedness? Well, that is part of the Extrema's charm, its brahzos, its raison d'etra if you will :-)

Similar to another granite enclosed monitor speaker design, that of Intuitive Designs, this sounded like a damn good small speaker to me for those who want high-dollar top-to-bottom accuracy and even handedness; a box-free, musical, and appropriately dynamic sound at a very reasonable price.

Mike (who doesn't sell or plan on selling any of these fine speakers, but does own the Extremas :-)
Thanks all. I got price and shipping partics, plus a very enlightening and generous short course on sound engineering from Robert at Star Sound. Now I just have to gather the means, having over-extended a bit on the last round of upgrades...
Does anyone know what kind of drivers they use. I remember someone on audiogon saying that they used $50 Peerless drivers. Also are there multiple options for stands? I saw different dedicated stands on their website and at the show that 6moons reviewed.
don't have a clue as to the drivers. Call Robert over at Starsound for the scoop. The 6Moons pictures of the stands are going to be the deal. The speaker stands on their website (the dunce cap looking cones) will be available as well. Those are the ones I have. Coolest thing I've ever seen, in the way of speaker stands. A real visual attention getter. Sound? In this case, you get what you pay for. I'm told the ones at the show are superior to the original three cylinder stands. You can always bend Robert's ear, over at Starsound or Tom, the audiotweak, as well. They'll set you free. peace, warren