BTW, KennyT, what are you using for speakers,cross,drivers, etc????...
I used to personally sell the Meridian speakers, along with the rest of their electronics line. I have
never been a fan of the sound from Meridians however...rather dark sounding to my ears.
However, I have heard active speakers over the years, spuriously. I can easily tell the advantage, if even in the bass reigion.
Like I said, my old Electa Amator S.F.'s used a very simple crossover, with high end drivers, and the sound was superb when done right...if a little warmish from the cabinet and design limitations, port chuff at high levels, etc. Still, dynamically, the speakers were superb, with great resolve. What experience I do have around active speakers (best I've heard in all active is Avlar...with the Avantgarde horn w/active woofers doing a similar thing), suggests much better dynamic handling and pressentation from the drivers. Thus I think connecting an amp dirrectly to a driver has it's advantages in the realm of dynamic transparency. And most passive designs fall flat in dynamics, if anything.
Anyway, I'm really wondering if anyone's come across a speaker desing, that while previously employing a stock passive crossover design, works well with specified electronic crossover substituted, in your experiences!!!!?
Otherwise, maybe some drivers that work well with some sort of electronic cross out there, and then maybe add a cabinet?
I've considered quite a few designs for active consideration, that I THINK MIGHT be worthy candidates, but I will have to try some of the active crosses out there and tinker I suppose. But, I was still wanting some insite from any who have found some superb combo's.