I am assumig this is for non criticatcal listoning I would go with a multi zone integrated amp By Russsound or Parasound. Mate this with in wall mounted speakers. Try JBL. Since I assmu you don't want to keep getting out of your seat to change CD's. that means a cd caruosel by sony or pioneer. If you have any money leftover your cd carousel can benfit from an outboard dac.
Yhe beauty of a multi zone system is that everyone can hear without there being a hot psot. You might also consider suspending some gallo acoustics round speaker from the sealing to prevent deadspots in the middle of the room.
Yhe beauty of a multi zone system is that everyone can hear without there being a hot psot. You might also consider suspending some gallo acoustics round speaker from the sealing to prevent deadspots in the middle of the room.