Uneven VTF on different part of same LP

Dear experts,
When i checked the VTF usually I do it on one position only, but just did check on 2 position (the first track area, and last track area near spindle) and found that the later position has 0.04 gr heavier.
Further I put bubble level on the tonearm's bearing housing, it showed unlevel (the turntable itself is perfecty even) which might cause the above issue.

While soundwise it doesn' bother me (yet), should I worry in long run?
As my tonearm (ortofon as212) has gimbaled bearing, will unipivot tonearm solve the issue?
Lastly, is it time to replace tonearm?

Thanks in advance for the advice
Dear all,
Many thanks for all of your valuable advices.
It's good that Monday was public holiday at my place so that I was able to check based on all of your input.

Guess what, the main culprit is the tonearm wire.
So in my case, I think Dougdeacon was right on his #2 point (Thanks a lot Doug, really appreciate it, why didn't I think of that :)).

Few months ago I replaced the detachable tonearm cable which is much stiffer vs. before, and as it has straight DIN connector and relatively tight space between the plinth and the rack, the new cable is quite bent which I believe makes the tonearm "tilted" a bit.
Unfortunately there is only 1 tightening screw (which tightens the tone arm "rod" to the collar) so I can't compensate the slight tilting on the opposite side.

Moving the turntable far back so that the tonearm cable doesn't bend, has helped to reduce the VTF difference (now it becomes 0.02 difference, which I hope is a normal variance). I agree with Swampwalker, maybe I just don't need to be too obsessive with measurements.
Soundwise (before and after) it doesn't bother me, but I think I can save the bearing condition much earlier before affecting both bearings and cartridge.

Thanks again for all of your valuable input. Really appreciate it.
My blushes, Swampwalker! I'm sure you mis-spoke, and meant to say, "...no data that I'm aware of regarding how many degrees off nominal his BRAIN can DEVIATE".

Brilliant post BTW, much like Paul might say. You scientists have a way of undercutting unexamined assumptions that embarasses the rest of us. (Please be careful, have you heard how that worked out for Galileo?)

Gondo101, glad you identifed the culprit (presumably). If you'd mentioned changing phono cables just a few months prior, it would have been #1 on everybody's list. ;-)

That said, a VTF variance of .02g across the record (assuming that's an accurate measurement, per Swampwalker's caution) is still beyond acceptability for anything other than an entry level toy rig. After confirming that the variance is in fact real, you should continue to experiment with ways to reduce it
Doug- if you want me to end the sentence w deviate, then I'll also have to change "nominal" to "normal" ;-). Hope you are well.