It's cooking as we speak (or type). another 500 hours puts us at 11/24.
I have bought a few SACD to try out on the K-01.
My attitude is this:
1) I will compare the K-01 to my beloved ODSE as a standalone DAC sourced from my MAC mini. I am dripping with curiosity to see how they compare.
2) I will relax and enjoy the SACD performance from the K-01 after 11/24 to see how much better SACD can be.
I am not really expecting the K-01 to beat the ODSE as a standalone DAC; but as I have done so far, I will be objective and do it right.
Then I need to decide if I like the SACD thing enough to justify keeping the K-01 long term. Of course, if I do end up liking the DAC in the K-01 more then the ODSE then it'l be a no brainer.
The idea of a dedicated music server does intrigue me as it will obviously be my final source. My Mac mini gives me some conveniences that no other system will offer since much of my music is purchased (routinely) on iTunes and syncs instantly to my Mac. No server will do that (I think)…. When I go the server route I will need to manually transfer each and every new album purchased on iTunes to my Server(as far as I understand, there is no way to point a Server to my iTunes folder on my Mac to stream the music from there).
Of course, I read in the manual today that there is a digital pass through feature on my K-01 that allows me to output the USB input through the SPDIF co-ax output and essentially use the K-01 as a USB to SPDIF converter; a really really freakin expensive USB to SPDIF converter…. LOL
On a side note, i am starting construction of my new dedicated listening room this Friday.