B&W N 805 vs. N 805 Sig. Opinions?

Are the sig 805's really that much better than the regular 805s. I hate paying for just cosmetics.


Dr Ken
Brian and Dr James
Perhaps now you understand my original response to Dr Ken's question regarding paying too much of a premium for the Signature version.If you read again you'll see that I did mention the new 800 series.This was confirmed by Bigtee.
Shurely you must agree that Dr Ken's concern was valid.
Perhaps it is not Dr Ken who are going to pay the premium but you guys because you own the Signatures.Never did I say the Signatures are not fine sounding speakers- I think they are excellent speakers.As are the alternatives mentioned.I think our discussion gives Dr Ken more insight into the matter and he is the one that is going to benefit in making the right decission ,not for us but for HIMSELF!
Actually we are all Batting for the same side!
If we all agreed ,there would be no use for this Forum.
Dr Chris
Dr. Chris,

I have always been of the opinion that one is paying a certain price for the pretty finish of the S805, I am ok with that, but let us wait and see if there is a $2500 version of the S805, I find this hard to believe; in fact it doesn't make sense as the N805 is $2500, time will prove one way or the other.
Think the $2500 version wont be called Signature.More likely 805 Naut MK 2 or Series two or 805 SE. In other words will look like 805 Naut but with the "inside "of the 805 Signature.Perhaps Bigtree has more info.I got my info from the Export Manager of a Premier European Audio company.This Person has a friend who was working on the project in the UK .This issue is also currently discussed on Aasylum.But I must say this does not suprise me as I see it as typical B&W modus operandi.They are very good marketers.I think I can say this as I have been a B&W owner myself.Perhaps that is why I am moving to less "Flavour of the month"type of long term audio solutions.My remarks are not intended to be negative,just my opinion on observations over a couple of years.All this does not change the fact that the 805 Sign are indeed very good loudspeakers.

Dr Chris
Dr. Chris,

No worries, I did not see your last post in a negative light. I still am suspect that B&W will have this 'new' 805 for $2500 and it being essentially an S805 without the nice finish.
My feelings the same.Now perhaps my original remarks regarding "better alternatives" can be better understood.Hope Dr Ken is reading our writings.
Blue Bull of SA