B&W N 805 vs. N 805 Sig. Opinions?

Are the sig 805's really that much better than the regular 805s. I hate paying for just cosmetics.


Dr Ken
Maybe my last comments were not to clear, I am saying that I find it hard to believe B&W will make such a speaker for $2500.

(I had a friend correct me and state that the N805 is $2K.)
Cannot give any comment.Have no idea what B&W costs in US.I'll have to compare $2500 relative to what the other models in their lineup costs.Then will be able to put in perspective
Prediction:Cost will be much closer to 805Naut than 805Signt.But this is not really an informed opinion.Perhaps Bigtee can shed some light on that.
I can't shed anymore light on this than I have but I will say it comes from a very trusted source "In the business." We will all have to wait and see what comes of it. It will simply be an "Economy" model of the current signature speaker.
Just an update. The new "805s" speakers will be shipping in January along with the rest of the revamped B&W line with increased pricing. Interesting enough is the new 805s-6db per octave 1st order crossover on the tweeter. In B&W's dealer lit, they report the 805s sounds better than the original Signature. It will be in limited cabinet finishes and sell for $2500!