Karls...Can you explain what the "Linkwitz Transform" is. What I got from your website is that it is an equalization curve, of unspecified characteristics.
I guess Dr Bose beat Linkwitz by about 20 years. I described the concept as a "neat idea". I do not consider it a bandaid.
After more than four decades as an aerospace engineer, involved with manufacture of precision electromechanical equipment I assure you that I am not "completely ignorant" about NC milling machines. Also I never suggested that your aluminum slab was a bad idea. I like it, but it costs too much.
Lots of luck. :-)
I guess Dr Bose beat Linkwitz by about 20 years. I described the concept as a "neat idea". I do not consider it a bandaid.
After more than four decades as an aerospace engineer, involved with manufacture of precision electromechanical equipment I assure you that I am not "completely ignorant" about NC milling machines. Also I never suggested that your aluminum slab was a bad idea. I like it, but it costs too much.
Lots of luck. :-)