Yes, loved Supertramp and got the kids listening to and talking about them at an early age, which in part got them playing instruments. They're teens now and much more into music than their peers. I credit the home music system and a steady diet of classics like 'Tramp for that
Hodgson was great but Rick Davies piano work (Rudy, School, Child Of Vision) and deep, low vocals were what hooked me. The musicianship of the group in general--they had an extraordinary drummer in Bob Benberg (?) and the winds/sax, Helliwell. They reminded me of Tull and ELP, just lighter, frothier and more pop centered. Their music remains accessible and vibrant. Definitely still holds up today. Thanks for the reminder, time to pull out Quietest Moments and Crime again!
Hodgson was great but Rick Davies piano work (Rudy, School, Child Of Vision) and deep, low vocals were what hooked me. The musicianship of the group in general--they had an extraordinary drummer in Bob Benberg (?) and the winds/sax, Helliwell. They reminded me of Tull and ELP, just lighter, frothier and more pop centered. Their music remains accessible and vibrant. Definitely still holds up today. Thanks for the reminder, time to pull out Quietest Moments and Crime again!