Will the amp or speaker get damaged?

If I put both B&W N802s and Matrix 801s hooked up to my McIntosh MC7150 (150w/ch) power amp will this damage either the speaker or amp or will it just shut down?
i would think a speaker selector would be the way to go if your intent is to use both speakers at the same time & it would take away the chance of amp or speaker damage.

Bryston makes a well-respected switch box for those purposes. It has three outputs for three sets of speakers (a single input, or course). I recall reading of a reviewer using one of these units to compare speakers claiming that it did not introduce an audible coloration to their ears.

If you want something cheaper than the Bryston, Niles Audio also makes a switch box. My local dealer uses a Bryston switch in his setups. This is assuming you don't want to run both speaker pairs at the same time.

Your amp would probably be ok with both speakers in parallel but in general you shouldn't submit an amp to that because the speaker impedance halves. Since B&Ws are not efficient, it would be a tough load if all 4 are used simultaneously.