I Am At Your Mercy

Hi, my name is Eric Baer and I need your help. I am bulding a system for my room in Memphis TN. I will tell you two things about memphis: The music is dead. It has come and gone and there is little left but tours of the old sun studios. Seccond, there are very few audio dealers in memphis carying mostly Denon and Bose gear. With that being said I am putting myself at your Mercy. Because I am relying totally on what I read I will end up buying what is suggested. I alredy have a source but apart from that we are doing a ground up system. the Source is a Njoe Tjoeb 4000 tube output CDP. I am in a approxamatly 25x14 foot foom with eight foot cealings. My budget is rather low but i have no problems with used stuff. Here were some things i came up with.

Triangle Titus
Alon Lil' Rascal
Green Mountain Audio Europa
Maggnepan MMG
Vandersteen 1c
Epos Maybe?

Redone Dynaco st-70
Antique Sound Labs Wave 25 mono's
McCormack .5, 1, or 125
Unison Unico
Blue Circle

Pre-Amp (My source has a variable output so it is not nessisary yet)
Bottlehead foreplay with mods.

If you have any ideas or combinations or comments please let me know. I would be very very appreciative.

Thanks Eric Baer
You have a fairly large room. Depending on your taste for bass, you may need to think larger when it comes to speakers. Try a pair of Snell D's. You can find them for 600-700, a ridiculous value. The McCormack amps would be a nice choice.
If you're not a bass nut, the Maggies or the GMAs are very nice. But they won't energize your room at high levels.
I live in Memphis as well (Bartlett actually) and would love to help. It would be nice to talk to another person around here interested in audiophilia.

Anyway, I've had some experience with most of the equipment that you're interested in. Email me your phone number and I'll give you a call this weekend.
I agree w/Lneilb. Since your room is so large, I would think floorstanders would be most appropriate. I love older Snell loudspeakers. Own the J-IV's and E-III's and for the money they are unbeatable. Very musical, easy load on your amp, beautiful wood veneers and very reasoanable priced used. I have the E-III's hooked up to a Bryston 3B amp which sound great together. (I paid under $800 for the spks. and amp!) BTW, Snell and Bryston offer superior customer support which is a very big plus in my book. Good luck w/your quest. Bill
I have a Blue Circle custom integrated amp, 55W@8ohms, 80W @4ohms with 120,000 uF capacitance and the new "hockey puck" caps used in their 200 line. It's essentially a "superbuild CS" according to Gilbert.
Dual mono design w/dual Shallco volume controls, Cardas/WBT posts. Real wood faceplate and cobalt blue case (like the units on their home page). Weighs about 50 lbs.

It was built in August 2004 for another BC afficianado who sold it to me after about 500 hours use. I've put less than 100 hours on it. It looks as new. I bought it for a bedroom system but find it too powerful for my 95dB efficient speakers in a small room.

It has the classic richly detailed BC sound (I have BC-8s in my big rig). I paid $1700 but will sell for $1550 shipped to Memphis.

This is a beautiful integrated that will provide many years of beautiful music and deserves a good home.

Email me if interested.

I am currently using MMGs with a McCormack DNA .5 Deluxe and can say they are a nice match.

With a good amp, the MMGs will put out a surprising amount of bass down to 50Hz. My room is 13x44 plus an opening to a foyer. I run the MMGs full range and use a sub for below 50Hz. However, I must say, the MMGs do OK on thier own.

Before the MMGs I had Paradigm Reference Studio 40s. Another good match with the McCormack. The MMGs are better.

I also like Snells and Vandersteens. Your short list is already on the right track. Good luck...