There's a sucker born every minute

Latest marketing hype for a new (name witheld to protect the guilty) HTIB product.

The XXXX Home Theater System boasts the tinniest high-end speakers in the world! The M6 speaker is housed in 100% zinc-alloy (not plastic); giving it the needed weight to handle high volumes with clarity and depth eliminating any noticeable distortion. The egg-shape of the speaker provides the perfect environment for sound to resonate and bounce out to the room rather than having sound waves get lost in the corners as they do in box shaped speakers.

Wouldn't want those sound waves to get lost, now would you. 'course you could get them their own GPS to find their way out. And is that tiniest or tinniest? LOL.
Perhaps they alloy the zinc with tin! 8^)
Sounds like Gallo wannabes. I've noticed over the years that high-end trends filter into the very cheapest stuff.
For example, a "tube" radio I saw at CIrcuit City for $25.oo. The tubes were plastic cylinders with little screen cylinders inside. At the bottom of each was ayellow LED. The transformer box held a tiny little speaker. I had to laugh. It was so cute, I almost bought one!
i swear the marketing big wigs gotta be laughin their asses off when they sit around dreamin this s#!t up beacuse they know that all the seudo teck talk will draw em in like a hungry bass.

That reminds me of another one - "Brand B" room correction system demo. There are 2 boxes mounted on a wall with little cube speakers inside. One is plexiglass, the other is covered in burlap. The demo starts out with the plexi box harsh and screechy, and the burlap box seriously muffled. They apply the "correction" and the 2 sound identical(!). The burlap box, though, is just another plexi box with a layer of burlap, which has no acoustic effect whatsoever. The demo is all pre-recorded, and FAKE!