My vote used goes to the Mcintosh XRT-28s. I just heard these guys for the first time in an extended listening session at a high-end dealer in Tuscon, AZ last week. Electronics were all Mcintosh (solid state).
All I can say is I was just speechless at the spacious life-like sound I heard top to bottom. Allison Kraus was playing, and in the same location, the owner swapped in some $12,000/pr. Dalis (MS5's I think), and immeditely I knew to my ears they weren't in anywhere close to the same league as the XRT-28s.
Bass on the Macs was *very* deep and clean too. Their only weakness had nothing to do with sound quality... It was their wood finish looked relatively low quality to my eyes for their $18,200/pr. retail price(especially when compared to the fabulous one on the Dalis). Not a big deal to me, but I thought I should mention it.
Used these should be just under your $10K limit.
Good luck,