Logitech Squeezebox Touch DAC: How Good?

Logitech Squeezebox Touch's are allegedly raining out of UPS trucks into the arms of new owners, as we speak.... or as you read this ;-)

NOW, advance word is that the analog out is a huge step up from it's predessor. It's alleged to have quite a good DAC.

How good?

Those of you with some experience on this matter - please speak up! It is stomping your Berkeley DAC? Empirical? Weiss? Peachtree? Cambridge? Devilsound?

(Is it listenable?!)

The world wants to know!

Just received my touch today and thought I'd share my initial thoughts. Setup was a breeze. It connected to my wireless network without a problem and I was able to access my computer/server that is also connected wireless. Flac files, 24/96 WAVE files and even a 24/192 rip of an Eagles DVD-A played flawlessly without any stutters or rebuffering (again, this is all over a wi-fi connection).

I connected the touch analog to my preamp (Wyred4Sound STP) and coax to a DAC (stock PS Audio DL3) and switched inputs back and forth on my preamp. There is no lag when switching between the two inputs, but there is a difference in volume levels between the analog outs on the Touch and the balanced outputs on the PS Audio. I tried to adjust the volume a few steps down when switching to the PS Audio to match the levels as close as possible when switching between inputs. I know, not very scientific.

My initial impression is I won't be selling my dac anytime soon except maybe to upgrade. I could definitely tell a difference between the analog outs and digital into a dac. Without getting into the typical audio review adjectives to describe the differences, let's just say it brought me into the music more. It was subtle, but noticeable even if I played the volume through the dac at a lower volume than the analog outs. The analog and digital outs on the Touch do sound better than the Duet it replaced.

I was hoping to sell the dac and to simplify my system with less components and cables, but I can't do that now that I've heard it through the dac. Regardless, I am happy with the purchase and will continue to see if there is any change in the analog outputs with time.
Are you using the Empirical Audio Pace Car or Off Ramp jitter device?
>Are you using the Empirical Audio Pace Car or Off Ramp >jitter device?

Heck if I know - it was borrowed. My friend said it had retailed for around $1000, does that help?

The Squeezebox Touch sounds interesting and I would like to try one.

Can someone please explain: to organize my various music files - whether ripped from EAC, ripped through iTunes, downloaded from HD tracks, or downloaded from iTunes....

Does the Squeezebox Touch provide music server software to organize the music library?

Or does it just look through to My Music or whatever, and stream and display it on the Touch device?

If so, and I organize all music with the Squeezebox in miind, what happens when I try to synch my iPod? Would an iPod touch be better than an iPod Classic.

Thanks - if I can figure this out, then I may finally be organized and fully integrated inside and outside the house!

Re DAC and sound, there is quite a good review in the new Stereophile.

I am thinking Behringer A500s and Epos speakers for quick and easy music anywhere in the house.
The best thing you can do with your Squeezebox of any persuasion is to ditch the standard switching powerpack and purchase a laboratory grade power pack whose ripple voltage is next to zero and the improvement in sound from the squeezebox will be profoundly beautiful by comparison.

Still not in the Transporter's league but never-the-less, still many times better than the standard switching powerpack for Squeezebox.