Which speaker should I buy? Please help.

I am looking for speakers(less than $30K) to upgrade my JM lab Mezzo Utopia. My system consists: ARC VT-150 SE mono, EMM labs DCC2 and CDSD transport digital front end, vahalla interconnects and Kimber 3038 speaker cable. I do appreciate for your recommendations.
If you listen mostly to classical and vocal. there is no speaker I've been more impressed with that does these area's better than the Magnepan 20.1 Forget distortion pushing cone type speaker's, unless you want to compare them against the 20.1's which will then allow you to hear a speaker that does voice and music like no other. Seek out a dealer and give them a audition and I'm sure you will like how they sound with classical music as well as voice. I own the 3.6R's and wished I bought the 20.1's, but for now I'm very happy with what I have.
Get some Merlins VSM-MM and dont look back.Incredible at any price.Talk to Bobby at Merlin,good luck....Bob
I would certainly consider the Von Schweikert VR7se's. They are amazing and do absolutely everything well. The clarity is remarkable with incredible bandwidth (15Hz flat to over 60KHz), huge soundstage and tremendous cohesion between drivers. They are very live sounding.

I am a dealer for VSA and certainly recommend you listen to as many speakers as you can before making a decision.
I haven't heard them myself, but if you care about how the speakers look, you'll go ga-ga over the Sonus Faber Stradivaris.

They are by far the most gorgeous looking speakers I've seen. Oh, and I hear they sound pretty good too :) Many consider them the ultimate speakers for string instruments and vocals.

They're a little over your budget, but I figured another 10k isn't going to break your bank. If that 30k is really the ceiling, their other homage speakers, Amati, are fantastic too at half the cost.

Good luck.