Speaker upgrade recommendations pleae.

I currently have Sonus Faber Concertino's paired with an Audio Analogue Puccini integrated amp and a Cary 308 CDP. Love the SF sound but willing to consider other brands. Suggestions that would match well with exisiting equipment. Thanks
You love the SF sound but you are looking around? Pitty your wife. :-)

What exactly are you looking to improve in getting new speakers? Tonal differences - more bass - more dynamics = better imaging, etc? Oh, and whats your budget?
What I mean by I love the SF sound is the Concertino's are SF's entry level speaker and I am ready to improve my system. My budget would be $2500 and I would rather purchase used from a good Adiogon member.
For a very revealing speaker that is also very neutral I would look at Silverline Sonata II's or their monitor the SR17 (but you would need a sub) and for a very detailed speaker with a very smooth and natural high end I would look at Tyler Acoustics Linbrook monitors (I'm currently breaking in a pair of the Linbrook Signature Systems and I am very impressed - they are much easier to set up than my main speakers but a bit over your budget). You might do some research on both of these manufacturers products.