Looking for Bass....

Ok i live my maggies to death.... but the bass just well isnt there like it should. So im going to try and find a sub that suits them well, anyone out there have or had a pair of maggies and had great results with a sub? if so id love to hear what, and really anyone who could recommend a good sub id be happy to listen. thanks for your time
Excellent A++++ response Sean--as usual--- Because this applies to many speakers that don't go down to 18hrtz.
I have 1.6's which I am driving with 400Wpc amps, and I find the bass to be very satisfying. I do have a sub which I use mostly for movies. It's a Velodyne HGS-15 which, though not as fast as the Maggies, still integrates well. You might also want to check out REL subwoofers - I have read that they integrate very well with Magnapan speakers.
My Maggie 1.6s had too much bass for my tastes the entire time I owned them. Maybe my room has a node that excites the bass or something. I always thought the bass was excellent on them. I did own a Plinius SA100 MKIII which is a bass champ but tried an Innersound ESL too and both worked for me...

Maybe try borrowing a different set of speaker wire or ICs?

good luck,

As above a powerful amp is needed and just as important in my findings is power delivery via selecting power cords which offer delivery of current for your amp.
I made stands that weigh 60 lbs. each to load / add gravity to them and although I don't have a meter I think lowered response 5 hz..
I have a Von Schweikert VS-1 sub, and matches wonderfully and gives the impact you may desire when needed.
I don't notice it working at all,very seamless and very easy to setup.Integrates with my spendor FL-6 as well.
Thanks for your responces guys, i have good power im sure i think its time to look closer at placement as a few of you said and go from there, thanks again.