Reference 3a MM De Capo's vs Totem Sttaf vs LSi9's

Hello, I currently have the following:

Museatex Bitstream DAC (Moray James Digital Interconnect)
Museatex CD-D (as transport)
SimAudio Moon i-5080 Intergrated (Harmonic Technology Prosilway interconnects)
Polk Audio LSi9 Monitor Speakers (Kimber 8TC cable)

I have one last wish before I seriously stop tweaking and spend my money on what I intially wanted, more music. My current setup is in a rather small room 12x15. I will more then likely moving this setup to a larger room 15x15 down the road. Although my LSi9 speakers are still glowing bargin, I want more of an upbeat sound within my mid band. I listen to alot of alt rock, classic rock, UK electronic...from Janes addiction, Nirvana to Bjork, Fatboyslim to The Band, The Led Zepplin...I want my next upgrade to COUNT.

I honestly am tired of always trying to listen for ways to improve...the way my music is reproduced. I consider this to be the final peice untill I can start all over in a few years...when upgrading to seperates or possibly a reference Intergrated...

Currently my LSi9's from Polk Audio are an entirely different animal then what is displayed at big box stores. They use a Vifa ring radiator tweeter and are detailed but ultra smooth. Nothing in its class, be it PSB Stratus Minis to Paradigm Studio 40's could touch it in this regard. I'm very happy with these speakers in that respect. What is lacking is the mid-band, and mid-bass regions. It really is quite hard to explain but perhaps this speaker is too nice, too polite. When the drums play on Nirvana tracks the kick drum doesn't sound the same as my much much cheaper old pair of PSB's did. The lower bass on the LSi's is much more detailed and sinks lower but something is lacking in the middle.

My two choices are the Sttaf and the Reference 3a MM De Capo's. I have no had a chance to hear either as of yet. I'm quite a bit aways from both dealers. But everything I have read has lead me to these two speakers. The 3a's seem to have that excitement I'm looking for and the Sttafs an excellent choice for my room considerations. I will more then likely buy either used. Can either of these speakers give me that excitement in the types of music I listen to while maintaining a musical and tamed higher frequency response. To my ears everything made by Paradigm, and B&W have a certain "Tizz" or sibliance on the high notes that I detest. I was wondering if anybody could give me thoughts or comments on the selections I have narrowed it down to.
At this juncture: I am waiting for the owner of the decappo-i's to come out to hear them in my reference system at the studio. He is presently away on holiday until the New Year. I am planning to set these up in my room at home before he returns. The room at home is much more conducive in scale for a stand mounted monitor [21ft x 15ft x 8ft ceiling]. I have the supratek syrah and a bunch of amplifiers to play with. I will update later. Lush.... Where in Canada? If you are anywhere in the Golden Horseshoe of Ontario... you are more than welcome to come and hear them.
Hey Ecclectique, I live in the gta, Ajax to be precise. About a 30min drive east of TO. I've found a used pair of MM De Capo's in Montreal, he's asking $1800. I might take a poke, the first time I've done anything on a blind bet. I have to unload my LSi9 speakers (I wonder how favorable the LSi series is within the used market) I'm taking a chance, but I have a feeling that even if I didn't like them they'd be very easy to get rid of. My problem is that no local dealers carry anything I like. Out east I have a place that carries PMC, Paradigm, PSB, and Monitor Audio. Once you get around TO you have Totem, (didn't like the Mani's but might like the hawks) Energy, NHT, Mirage...I cant' find for the life of me a dealer that has me totally stoked to hear their speakers.

Besides, I realize like all my gear I can only afford used. Having worked in retail, I'd never dare waste a persons time knowing full well the audition was really for a pair I was curious about on the used market.
Hey Lush. I am in Ancaster, about 40 minutes west of Toronto and the offer still stands. Email me for a phone number.