Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...

What are the pros and cons between Single Driver loudspeakers and multi-driver loudspeakers? The arguments with single driver loudspeakers are that their simplicity makes them easy to drive, plus the x-over-less setup improves dynamics, not to mention no phase problems. The thing I read is that no single driver can possibly produce the full range of sound, and most necessitate a subwoofer. On the other hand, multi-driver loudspeakers can offer a full range, but some say that more than one driver introduces phasing problems to some degree.

I have a multi-driver system that sounds great. How would a single driver setup improve my sound, if at all? And if single drivers are that much of an improvement, why are they harder to find(at least for me)?

I have also read that multi-driver loudspeaker more than often need to be paired with a high wattage amp because of the lower sensitivity, ranging from 89db and less, while single drivers loudspeakers are great for low powered tube amps because of their higher sensitivity.

Most of this, is what I have read, but never really heard.

Can someone educate me?
There are some single driver systems that very nearly cover the entire 20 Hz - 20 KHz range with reasonable linearity. The drawback here is that they typically lack sensitivity and are SPL challenged. If one can provide them with suitable quantity and quality of power and aren't too bothered by a lack of "raise the roof" volume levels, the things that they do well can many times more than make up for the things that they don't do. I know that my perspective changed quite a bit when i heard my first "full range" single driver system several years back. Then again, these aren't really conventional or even planar type drivers, so there might be something to that aspect of presentation too. Sean

PS... Sounds like you're taking for granted that "single driver" means Lowther or Fostex type drivers according to much of what you wrote. They aren't the only game in town.
Find yourself a store that sells some single driver speakers and give them a listen with your fav music.
I own a pair made by Ocellia and another pair that use the famous Diatone driver, and am VERY happy with them. I have owned many speakers in the 30(!) years I have been an audiophile.
If you need a specific recommendation, however, try the Omega brand of single driver speakers. They are great sounding, and relatively cheap, or Cain and Cain Abbys.
The imaging of the single driver speaker is awesome.
With both speakers and electronics, usually the simpler, the better. It makes it easier to maximise the quality of the parts used, and that often leads to better sound.
Best of luck.
I'm waiting on a pair of single driver speakers to arrive in a day or so.This will be my first adventure into the world of single drivers.I've owned planars and multi driver speakers.Now it's time to see how these stack up. Nearly everything I read and heard about these speakers are positive. I'm planning to run mine with a battery powered T class amplifier. The benefits are low noise floor, lightning fast dynamics, no power cords and no power conditioning. Here's a link to checkout the amplifier Clari T Amp.
It only cost $429.00 including shipping. With the right speakers this thing is said to musically give a $6000.00 Art Audio Jota tube amplifier a run for it's money. This is coming from an owner of both!

Good Luck!