What power is required to drive Paradigm 100's

I'm thinking of upgrading my Paradigm Studio 60's
to the 100's. I currently have a Denon 3803 receiver.
Is this receiver powerful enough to drive the 100's?
If not would upgrading the receiver to the 3805 be enough?
I used to have Studio 100s V! powered by a Bryston 4BST to excellent success. A Parasound amp will also do the trick.
Aragon 8008MKII, 200wpc at 8 ohms and 400 and 4ohms(or 8008BB--same amp) with my 100V2. You really need to power these speakers to get great results
The older (V1) 100's could dip to about 1 ohm which can cause problems for some amps, especially when being driven hard, and damage your speakers - most likely the tweeter. I don't know if the new 100's impedence curve is the same as the V1's or not. In my HT, I drive the my 100's with a separate amp from the receiver preamp outputs. You just need to make sure you cover all bases.
hello, i also have the studio 60 v2 and the denon pma 2000ivr and find that it is watts that the paradigms need but current. that's why the denon 2000ivr at 80 watts kills the denon receiver.
forgive the error. what i meant is it is NOT watts that the paradigms need but current.