What amp/amps to drive magnepan 20.1's

Just purchased a six month old set of M20.1's from a dear friend who left oversea's for an open ended work asignment.He had been powering them with a pair of VTL 450 mono's who he had promised to his brother. Question; I have a pair of bryston 7bsst's that i have been hoarding away in anticipation of the comming of my inherritance, and now i feel i can further my debt to income ratio by buying something else.
1.should i buy another pair of brystons and passive biamp ? active biamp with 10b bryston x-over ?
2.Sell the mono's that i have and get some used pass x600's or big mcintosh 1201's ?
3.keep the bryston mono's and put some big tube's on top end with brystons on low freq. with active x-over ?
I have about 8k. until i'm sonic'ly rich but cash poor Please help me before my senses kick in !!!
A pair of Spectron Musicians and the model pre would be a great choice. Digital clean power............
Man, if I only had the room for those Maggies. Used to own the Tymanni 1Ds way back when I had the space. I find it hard to believe that the 20.1s can get by with less than 450 watts. There are times you want to crank up those babies. Some transients can take Maggies to the 1k zone. These are very expensive speakers to run. Oodles of high quality watts. I'd start with a pair of bridged pair of used Bryston 4Bs and see if that does it for you, sonically. (I owned the Bryston 4Bs. Loved them 'til I fell for another.) That will be enough juice. Hard to do inexpensively...peace, warren
Wolcott 220m's mono tubes:220 w.p/c and biwired:silver on top and copper for the bass.Tube preamp (BAT is good) and you will be in heaven.Owned all the maggies and you are in for a TREAT.Give the 20.1's at Least 200 + hours to break in.Your speaker wire will now be evident But the tubes will put you in heaven.Wolcotts are THE way to go !!
Welcome to Maggie Heaven and Enjoy !
I recently heard Maggie 3.5s driven by Wolcotts and then by Atma-Sphere MA-1s and a CAT JL2. The differences were astonishing. The Wolcotts weren't even close.
bluebeehive, you must be feeling real confident which amp to go with. 'tis a personal thing: obviously