I just got a press release from VSA showing the new VR4SR ($8K/pr) and VR9 SE ($60K/pr) that will be demoed at CES. Man I wish I was going, not only for this, but for everything else as well.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I will continue to monitor feedback on this speaker (along with their newly released VR4SR), as I plan on upgrading my present B&W N805 speakers later this year.
The new SR's sounded fabulous at the show. I lived with and am therefore intimately familiar with( no Tim, not in that way) the Jr's for 8 mo's while awaiting the 9's. They are excellent and a huge bang for the buck. I thought the SR's took what the Jr's do to a new level. More refined, greater ease of presentation and better bass. Very, very nice sounding, and at 8K, for what they do, another great bang for the buck. And they are beautiful looking. The Jr's at the show sounded as expected, better than they should. The dB 99's were good also, but I don't think they were set up optimally and ergo didn't sound as good as they could have. I've heard them elsewhere sound much better and know what they are capable of. The 9's and 11's were stunning.
Mes,,, totally agree with your assessment of the 99's at CES (and the 4sr's of course). I've used the VAC Avatar with the 99's and have been mesmorized by the sound of both.
I heard your VR9's at The Show. Did you ONLY get one pair?
Best of Show IMHO! Congratulations,,,, I'm envious,, in a good way!
Are there any pictures of these new speakers online? I know it's early and the show room conditions are probably not optimal, but can someone compare the VR-4Sr to the Jr?
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