Best Stand for Totem Model Ones

Hello, I just picked up a pair of Totem Model One's in great condition. This is my first foray with Monitors, before it was always floorstanders. What should you look for in a good stand? What brands and models work best? I will have them on hardwood floors.

Mcrosier; Perhaps you'd tell us a bit about why you chose them, how you like them once you've had some time with them, and what you decided on for contact points with your hardwood floor...
Hello Panderso

I tried a few brands at different stores. I had trouble finding people's suggestions in the stores that were near me. But the suggestions gave me a sense that I needed a good quality stand that can be filled to make it more stable. Sonus fit the bill, well made, not terrible to look at and it was selling for a good price from a dealer that I like. I would have preferred the Sonus R series but they were selling for more than I wanted to pay. So I went with the next step down and the dealer threw in Spike Shoes. I'm trying them now, and I may upgrade in time. I have a friend who uses the Racing Cones you suggested. I may borrow them and see what they are like.

thanks again
