I am not going to recommend specific amps because it is really a personal choice. You should if possible audition several that you like. IMHO get as much power as you can. I use two channel amps on my N802's so that I can bi-wire. Meaning I take a 300 watt amp and instead of running in mono I use one side for the top and one for the bottom. They really start to sing when you put power into them. Also if you haven't purchased the speakers I suggest trying the HTM1 it's a better match for the 802's then the HTM2, and because 60 percent of the movie sound comes out the center you will be a lot better off. The HTM2 is just a N805 turned to the side.
PS: I also use a separate 300 watt amp for the top and bottom of my HTM1. For my rears SCM's I use another 300 watt amp in stero mode to do to the left and right rear. Not counting the sub which is the AS4000 (450 watts) I'm pushing over 1200 watts which give me nice feel avision systems(as my kids call it) Happy listening. I use crown DC3000's which by todays standards wouldn't be considered audiophile but probably sound as good as most high end amps.
I am not going to recommend specific amps because it is really a personal choice. You should if possible audition several that you like. IMHO get as much power as you can. I use two channel amps on my N802's so that I can bi-wire. Meaning I take a 300 watt amp and instead of running in mono I use one side for the top and one for the bottom. They really start to sing when you put power into them. Also if you haven't purchased the speakers I suggest trying the HTM1 it's a better match for the 802's then the HTM2, and because 60 percent of the movie sound comes out the center you will be a lot better off. The HTM2 is just a N805 turned to the side.
PS: I also use a separate 300 watt amp for the top and bottom of my HTM1. For my rears SCM's I use another 300 watt amp in stero mode to do to the left and right rear. Not counting the sub which is the AS4000 (450 watts) I'm pushing over 1200 watts which give me nice feel avision systems(as my kids call it) Happy listening. I use crown DC3000's which by todays standards wouldn't be considered audiophile but probably sound as good as most high end amps.