single driver loudspeakers

I was wondering about your opinions or experiences regarding single driver speakers? I am considering purchasing a pair of Bob Brines' FT-1600 to replace my present speakers. I read wonderful comments about these and other single driver speaker but was hoping for a broader sampling.
Hey Gmood1! Good to hear from you & note that you did take the single-driver plunge!
What did you end up getting? The Omegas?
Bet that you are spending less time on A'gon & more listening to your music!
You are so right my friend.I did end up with the Omega Grande 8s in slightly larger cabinets than the standard versions. I am planning to hit Earthshakers today and demo some of their tube equipment. I'm taking my RAM modded SC3 Toshiba 3960 along for the ride. I will also have a shoot out between it and a stock Arcam FMJ DV27 today.Tomorrow it will be a stock Denon 3910 in the crosshairs.It should be an interesting two days.

All the Best!
AmandaRae, noticed you got a speaker set up from Bob Brines, can you comment on the sound, the lows please?
I have read that this larger driver has a tendency to become "beamy" in the treble. Have I been misinformed?
I have a smallish room and while not nearfield, I need decent dispersion.

The lows are fine and can extend to what Bob Brines specified as the measured response of the design. Care should be taken to re-inforced the cabinets very well though. As you might noticed, mine have a lot of cross braces. Also, as I might commented earlier, the stuffing and the BSC response is the key. Once you tuned this two to how your room reacts, from my experienced, SS, PP, or SET amps works very well on them. SET sounds better without the BSC in line. But for SS and medium power PP amp (20-60 wpc), the BSC a very good option to have. In my system at least of course and YMMV.


The link of the picture I posted is my brothers speaker which I have an access to. It was not "beamy" at all. I belive he have at least 90 hours on them. It took him several nights to dial the BSC. But when he finally arrived there, it is worth all the effort. They sound great IMHO.