Help on some under $2500 speakers

Thanks for your help recommendations. I am looking for a pair of speakers for a 10x10 room to work with an entry level Naim amplifier. I am looking for a pair of "clean" sounding speakers that has good attention to detail, that actually is capable of focusing on bass.

My constraints are that (1) I am filling a small room, so I would prefer to stay away from something with a large footprint, (2) a good portion of my listening will be done at lower volume levels, and (3) given the limited power running through the amp, I'll need reasonably efficient speakers. I own a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES speakers, now and my system needs more power to drive them properly.
Green Mountain Europas will fit the bill. Way under your budget and with all the qualities you are seeking. They beat Totem Forests in my livingroom. Don't under estimate these gems. Do a search here under "Europa" to see what people say about them.
used galante rhapsody for about 1200..lovely looking and lovely sounding and very efficient at 8 ohms/96db resistance
Reference 3A MM DeCapo is great for your needs. Very easy to drive and will sing with your amp. This monitor does bass right. It goes down into the 30s and the bass definition is excellent. You can follow bass lines very easily.

The only possible issue might be the fact that they are rear ported. If you have the ability to give them 12"-18" from the wall, they should be just fine.

You can't buy them for $2000 new, but you can get a gently used pair for $1200-$1800.


Don't buy anything without at least checking these out. They're from one of the most honourable men in Hi-fi:

Best of luck in your search,
Carolina Audio JTMs. One of the few single driver speakers that shine with solid state. Works exceptionally well in small spaces and close to the wall. Surprising bass. The most natural sounding speaker I have owned. Currently also own Harbeth SHL5s and Audio Note AN-Ks, and still prefer the JTMs. I am using them with Plinius solid state gear and a tubed CDP. They are that good. The Harbeths are smoother and more laid back, but the JTMs are faster, cleaner, more dynamic, and soundstage much, much better.