B&W N802's and Room Size

I was just seeing if the bright minds here think that 802's would be too big for a 16x18 room. I currently have 804's, but have a chance to upgrade at a reasonable price.

They will be powered by a bridged MC162 on each speaker.
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Thanks for your input guys. The MC162 is 320 watts when it is bridged, would this be sufficient?
Should be. I went from a 240 watt Conrad Johnson jm2500 to a 350 watt Mcintosh, 352 and the speakers were re-born! Good luck.
I agree (160 x 2 per side could be sufficient) - - I must not have noticed that the Macs were bridged. Sorry.

But I'm curious if MC162 bridged sounds just as good (or worse, or better) than a MC300 or MC352, which are designed as stereo amps.
I tend to agree with Hagabet, your amps may not be the best choice for the 802 speakers. Bridged amps suit high impedance, low sensitive type speakers. A bridging confirguiration doubles the power, but each amp sees a 8 ohm load as 4 ohm. Although the 802s are nominally rated at 8 ohms their specs indicate they do drop to a minimum of 3 ohms at certain freqs. This means at certain freqs each of your amps will be driving a load of 1.5 ohms! This high current demand may stress your amps, particularly when operating at high volumes.