Dude,(least you forget that this is 2005, please) Larry will do just fine.
"In my experience and opinion full range dipoles do it best."
That was your answer to, "Which speaker renders piano best."
If I am not mistaken, YOU are a Sound Labs dealer, and I am sure that anyone who is a thinking person, finds this to be completely (if not your honest opinion, in fairness) self serving to your cause. To put the fine point that it was no doubt truthful on your part is a waste of time, so was I.
You only haunt this site to hawk your wares, so please don't be duplicitious.
If you read 99.999999999% of all my posts they are benevolent and time consuming answers to people wanting honest answers to questions, (as was my own self serving mention of LSA).
I have spent several hours waxing poetic over the DK MK II for no reason other than to "pass it on".
Give us all a break and quit the 'police' routine here.
How pious of a registered 'commercial' user, who takes every opportunity, however subtle, to further his cause. You are only here for financial gain, and anything thought to the contrary is naiive.
We have ALWAYS gotten along. Let this go, in the name of common sense.
I wish you well, and if you look back, I apologized three times for having 'offended' anyone.
Following your, "I think dipoles, (Sound Labs by any other name, do it best"...) is very close to 'selling something'.
At least I was completely open about my answer.
My credentials as former Vice President of Sales and Marketing International for THIEL Audio, and President Emeritus for Von Schweikert Audio, give me perspective, and credibility among those who follow these writs. Plus, I spend hours weekly answering questions privately, (for no gain) from Audiogon followers who seek my advice because of my credentials, none of which anyone sees.
PLEASE let it go as a minor, unimportant gaffe, and fit of oportunity on my part, and zeal over my new babies.
Good luck on selling Sound Labs... though to be 'honest' mine tragically broke after only five months of normal, gentle use...propelling me into what will undoubtedly be a non refundable $500. freight nightmare, plus weeks of down time. I hope everyone else has better luck with $18,000.00 speakers than I did. Maybe another reason why a 'free', virtually no time involved fix for a dynamic speaker suits me better, however wonderful the Sound Labs may sound, this is gut wrenching.
Good listening to everyone...and please Dude, (oops, Brian)let this go, it's not that important, and you couldn't possibly THAT offended, given YOUR opportunistic bent here.
"In my experience and opinion full range dipoles do it best."
That was your answer to, "Which speaker renders piano best."
If I am not mistaken, YOU are a Sound Labs dealer, and I am sure that anyone who is a thinking person, finds this to be completely (if not your honest opinion, in fairness) self serving to your cause. To put the fine point that it was no doubt truthful on your part is a waste of time, so was I.
You only haunt this site to hawk your wares, so please don't be duplicitious.
If you read 99.999999999% of all my posts they are benevolent and time consuming answers to people wanting honest answers to questions, (as was my own self serving mention of LSA).
I have spent several hours waxing poetic over the DK MK II for no reason other than to "pass it on".
Give us all a break and quit the 'police' routine here.
How pious of a registered 'commercial' user, who takes every opportunity, however subtle, to further his cause. You are only here for financial gain, and anything thought to the contrary is naiive.
We have ALWAYS gotten along. Let this go, in the name of common sense.
I wish you well, and if you look back, I apologized three times for having 'offended' anyone.
Following your, "I think dipoles, (Sound Labs by any other name, do it best"...) is very close to 'selling something'.
At least I was completely open about my answer.
My credentials as former Vice President of Sales and Marketing International for THIEL Audio, and President Emeritus for Von Schweikert Audio, give me perspective, and credibility among those who follow these writs. Plus, I spend hours weekly answering questions privately, (for no gain) from Audiogon followers who seek my advice because of my credentials, none of which anyone sees.
PLEASE let it go as a minor, unimportant gaffe, and fit of oportunity on my part, and zeal over my new babies.
Good luck on selling Sound Labs... though to be 'honest' mine tragically broke after only five months of normal, gentle use...propelling me into what will undoubtedly be a non refundable $500. freight nightmare, plus weeks of down time. I hope everyone else has better luck with $18,000.00 speakers than I did. Maybe another reason why a 'free', virtually no time involved fix for a dynamic speaker suits me better, however wonderful the Sound Labs may sound, this is gut wrenching.
Good listening to everyone...and please Dude, (oops, Brian)let this go, it's not that important, and you couldn't possibly THAT offended, given YOUR opportunistic bent here.