Tyler Acoustics Linbrook system II

Has anyone heard these new three-ways from TY?
If so can you comment on them?
Thanks for your response Dave. These are encouraging words as this is one
of the speaker choices I am leaning towards, along with the Gershman Avantegard rx-20. But the Tylers are more efficient to drive and quicker with
the seas drivers, no? Maybe you could share your thoughts on amps.
I currently have a Sophia Electric EL-34 and a Blue Circle CS int.
The el is rated at 35 watts and the cs is 50. They are very close sound wise.
I tend to favor the tubes, therefore, my thought was pairing them with
the more efficient and quicker Tylers should yield good results.
One or both may go for the new Sophia KT88 int.
Appreciate any additional feedback. Steve
Since I use SS (I power my Signature System with an Aragon 3002 Power Amp fed by a Cary pre/pro), I don't claim to be a big "tube" authority, per se... But if your Blue Circle puts out 50 watts and you don't lose any sound quality... of the two, I would recommend that one. The Linbrooks are very efficient, but they can always benefit from a few extra watts... :-)

FWIW I have the Linbrook Signature System (one piece version). I can drive it with any of my PP tube amps, including a 35wt amp. The speaker's sound reflects the quality of the amp driving it, but even the 35wt amp does an excellent job considering its power limitations. I really like this speaker a great deal.