Causes of long term listening fatigue?

I like to listen to music continuously for hours mostly at low volume levels. For me therefore, it is important to have a setup that will not cause any listening fatigue (lf).

Now I am looking for a new speaker setup and I wonder whether people could comment on the following aspects:
1. is 5-ch more susceptible to lf than 2-ch?
2. are there quick tests so that one can determine whether a given speaker will tend to give lf? I ask this because in a shop it will be difficult to assess this due to lack of time and differences in acoustic environment.
3. Which speakers do you know in the price class $3k that do have lf problems and which ones can be recommended in this respect? (difficult question, I know).

Thanks for input.
Wouldn't it be nice if we had some idea what Karman's electronics, including sources, were? Might also be nice to know what, if anything he has done about set up and taming reflections. Ditto room size. With that info we might be able to give his some useful advise. At this juncture his listening fatigue could be caused by anything in the chain.

Karman, care to enlighten us?
What kind(s) of music are you listening to? If you are listening to music for hours on end at low volumes I suggest that you will not make great gains in overcoming your fatigue by simply making changes to your system, however great or small. I listen to various genres of music; rock, jazz, and classical to name the basics. And yet there are various subgroups in each genre, some quite busy and forward, others simple and laid back. Mix it up. Sometimes you need a little decaf in the midst of the double shot expressos.
When you use wall treatments that suck info away from the original signal....or if your room has only echo....your info is now bounced around....Ever read a page in a book and gone to the bottom and then realized you don't remember what you read...You went through a misunderstood word and you failed to clarify it...keep reading and you will give up on the subject....well suck lots of the info out of your music and give up....Life is an applicable philosophy,HI-FI is part of life..Not the center of the universe. So enough with 2d answers to a 3d world
Quad Electrostatics have low listener fatigue and excel at giving lots of details at low levels. The 988 is out of your price range and the 57 may be too difficult to accomodate.

But there seems to be a decent selection of 63s in the 1500-2000 range and that should be an ideal speaker for you. A decent tube amp or something like a Pass Aleph should get you what you want.
wall treatments do not suck info away as has been stated above. They make imaging and soundstage sharper and less distorted. the speakers will sound more accurate. Reflections that come straight off the wall, ceiling or floor and collide with the frequnecy radiating directly from the speakers at the listening position can cancel or exaggerate frequencies along the whole tonal spectrum. Proper room treament will help realize your sytems potential!your room is a 'component'.

keep it fun!