Maggie 3.6 owners -- please help


In my search for audio nirvana (more than 1 foot wide) I am looking for alternatives to replace my Innersound Eros MKIIs.

I was wondering 2 things regarding 3.6s;

1.) is the size of the sweet spot larger than the Eroses? Are they better off axis than the Eros?

2.) I know they need room, but how do you think they would sound being placed 3 feet from the front wall?

Thanks for your help.

I do not own these great speakers,but,would like to share an experience I had,with the hopes that you could get something out of it.

I had an old friend who was a very capable modifier who owned a pair in a room about the size of yours.He stabilized the base(easy to do),and modified the crossover(no idea here).Also,the speakers were about 4 feet from back wall,with standard treatments.I must admit that the sound was STUNNING!!!

The speakers were driven by Spectral amps,with tubes in line/phonostage.WOW!!Was this a killer set-up!My friend had a huge classical LP collection(all the great stuff we've read about).I hope,and know,you have the capability to get this level of performance.

Large,open stage with SUPERB harmonics.Deep and dynamic.I have heard a TON of stuff,and I'm not exagerating.Really convincing midbass.Deep bass was more than adequate.No weakness here,but,the overall sound was so CONVINCING that I didn't worry about how low they went."WHO CARED"!!I had no problem with any degree of narowness of sweetspot.Never ocurred to me,the sound was SO RIGHT!!

Unfortuneately,soon after that wonderful listening session,his sweet and darling wife passed on.He sold his stereo set-up and records and moved away.I'll never forget my old friend Ernie,and the wonderful sound he was able to get from these GREAT speakers!!The state of the art IMO has not moved appreciably far beyond that recollected sound!!

By the way,I have a current acquaintance, from that old group,who was given a loan of the 3.6 speakers.He owned the INNERSOUND Eros speakers you have.As of last summer he sold the EROS's and now owns the 3.6's.

Sounds a bit strange,but,I swear, every word is true!!
One suggestion if you get Maggies, keep your Innersound amps if you have them. They sound better with Maggies than anything else out there!!!