Kharma 3.2 to MidiGrand Upgade???

Anyone have experience in upgrading from the 3.2 CRM enigma to the Midi Grand Ceramiques w enigma?

What improvements/benefits can be had and you've experienced? Very interested in what is possible with low powered tube amps, specifically Lamm ML2.1's etc.

On paper the Midis are more efficient. Are they easier to drive than the 3.2's or does their impedance dip more significantly than with the 2 ways? Also interested in feedback regarding room size, bass integration, etc.

I'm interested also in any comments regarding the new ceramique sub and if its necessary / integrates well with the midis. I am seeking to be able to reach realistic symphonic levels with content loaded classical music and heavy electronica.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xowl
Interesting insights Fmpnd, although I think you're one of the few I've heard from who actually prefered the M1.2 over the ML1.1s. Since you chose the M1.2s, I'm guessing you preferred it overall over the ML2.1s as well?
Sirspeedy, no offense taken. Honestly, I am a MUSIC lover first (as a former professional musician whose career was abruptly ended by an accident) and I also confess to having developed at an early age an infatuation with the equipment that delivers the music. However, as I have grown older I have learned much and realize that I make tons of mistakes like anyone else. At times, as I have stated before in this forum, when I have spent more and more money, on what sometimes but certainly not all the time, is better and better gear, the problem is that my expectation level goes up and I listen for that more expensive component to justify its additional cost. Then, I listen too critically for "audiophile tricks" rather than for the emotional content of the music which is why I listen in the first place. Obviously as a reviewer, you are supposed to listen like that to a certain extent - but too much of that, IMHO, is to miss what music is about.

I also think you bring up valid gripes about reviewers - but, as in almost any profession or endeavor, there are good and there are bad and, unfortunately, the bad usually get more press so as to taint the entire group's reputation. I have made a couple of friends who are reviewers and they truly love both the music and the gear.

Personally, I think a reviewer becomes MOST dangerous, when he/she takes him/herself too seriously and forgets that they are JUST another opinion (regardless of technical knowledge or the cultivation of their ear) and that they ALWAYS place the equipment under review into a system with A NUMBER of variables. As such, the review is only a starting point of information and should be not be taken as an absolute but in context of THAT reviewer's tastes, preferences and experiences with other gear.

I also think too may people are a little too sensitive when someone, especially a reviewer, disagrees with their opinion of their gear. It seems as if some people get their identity from their systems. Think about it, how silly would I sound if you come to my home and I get upset that you like Coke because I like Pepsi! Isn't that exactly what many of us do when we get upset that person A hears something different than person B listening to Amp "X?" Worse yet, it would really be like getting mad that I like Parkay maragine instead of butter when it is only part of a bread recipe!!

As I always say, in the end, we make our own money and we decide how to spend it based on our own tastes, preferences, experiences and priorities so all that really matters in this hobby is: "Are you happy with what you spent and did you acheive your goal?"

With the Lamm 1.2 Refs, I have learned that I got away from the emotional content of the music. They have allowed me to reconnect to the core of why I started in this crazy hobby in the first place. And yes, Howie, I liked the 1.2 Refs the best as they matched the best with MY gear - however, that may be different for other people.

And NO, the offer to come by and share my love of music is NEVER in jest, it is always serious and my door is always open to people who love this hobby - that is how I learn more about this hobby and new music as well! So, book that flight!
Fmpnd,now, why the Hell did you have to go and "BE SO DAMN NICE".I may have to take you up on your offer some day.Of course,because you seem to be such a truly sincere and decent gent I would not be able to abrubtly criticize your set-up,in your presence,at least.Not that there seems to be anything I'd dislike about it.By the way,don't be so hospitable to the likes of the audio community,as there are those who could take advantage of your hospitality,with "not so good" intentions, of their own.This happened to me about 20 years ago.I got ripped off(a Tandberg tapedeck).I learned my lesson regarding strangers,and, hope you don't experience anything like that!
Sirspeedy, YOU SEE, there IS at least one advantage of owning a 635 lb. speaker!!!!! Hell, if you can carry that insanely heavy SOB out and load it up before I either shoot yer sorry butt or call the Police, more power to ya!!

This is also where my job comes in handy - as a bank lawyer by day who chases the bad guys (e.g., fraudsters, money launders, terrorists etc.), I work with the FBI and Secret Service every day so if I ever DO encounter an audio crook, he better LEAVE the country with my 635 lb. beasts REAL fast - or I will call in a favor or two and have a couple of guys with black suits and earpieces on his tail!!! ;-)

To be honest, almost every person I have met through this hobby has been a class act and fun to be around. I just have NO idea why they'd EVER want to hang out with ME!!!

One final thought - you WOULD insult me if your DIDN'T insult my system to my face!! One rule when you come to listen to my system - ya gotta hear my little speech and disclaimer. Namely, "I didn't design or build my system so if you like it, don't compliment me, all I did was buy it! Conversely, if you DON'T like it, I DON'T CARE as I didn't BUY it for YOU, I bought it FOR ME and I will not take it personally if you like dark chocolate while I like milk chocolate (actually I like both!). I WILL be mad if I find out you tell me to my face that my system is good, great, awesome, whatever, and then tell everyone else it sucks behind my back. I simply don't NEED the ego stroke because my system doesn't define me, my character and how I treat others does!! So, just be honest, tell me you'd rather have yer gums scraped than listen to my 'nails on a chalkboard system' and we can then simply agree to disagree!!"

OK, end of lecture, continue on Grasshopper!!!
It would be OH,SO easy to slip an FR-1 Merc.or S-1 Shaded dog under my shirt.If you have the music collection to match your set-up(you'd better,if you're the "real deal").By the time you had noticed I'd be back in the WEB,from which I sprang.How do you know I'm not some 12 year old anyway?Hah,Hah!By the way,I too am in a business that is high pressure,and,as an owner, it is total fun to sink into our litle obsession.No harm done to anyone,other than giving a bad rap to someone who just spent megabucks on the latest audio gizmo.Truly,it's been amazing,to me,that after paying off Two college tuitions(at once)and now having one Medical student around,that I've had any leftover dough to maintain any acceptable equip.Thank GOD I bought decent stuff!Have any leftover cash lying around at work?I'd like to expand my own "dedicated room" 13x23 was fine when I built it,but, I can't stop my non stop pondering of "what ifs"!