Best used speakers under $3,500?

I'm starting from scratch in a room that is 21 x 13 x 8, looking to create a system for both music and home theatre, with the music foused on jazz, classical and classic rock.

It's likely I'll spend under $3,500 for the front speakers, and to maximize value, I may buy used speakers from one of the many reputable sellers who list here. (after I chose speakers I'll buy electronics that match well with them)

I'm creating a list of speakers to audition. Already on the list is Von Schweikert VR-4 JR, which can be bought, used, within my likely budget.

What other speakers would you sugget I audition and what are your experiences with those choices?

Alxg - thanks for your detailed secription of your room. I too have a room I suspect will be a challenge to treat, with a 10-foot fire place and two windows along one of the long walls and a lot of reflective surfaces that need to be tamed.
Opalchip - I enjoyed your analysis of the trade-offs. I can't say I know enough about engineering or accoustics to either accept or reject your points but it certainly is a plausible argument and one that was well-presented. I'm also intrigued by the Joseph Audio speakers and hope to listen to them when I'm in NY or Toronto (not sure if they sell in Canada)
Dave - A lot of folks have praised the Tyler's. You know anyone who has them in the metro NY area that I might be able to listent to? I know they offer home audition but that may not work for me - I'm in Canada with property in NY that I will visit but not for any great lengths of time
PMI guy - The perils of having wide-ranging musical tastes are apparent when choosing speakers. Since I'm buying components afterwards, I'm more concerned about the accoustics of my room.

Tomryan and pubul57 - thanks for the suggestions, several of which I've already hear good things about. I hope to get to listen to them soon.
Tomryan- I love my Merlin VSM-MMs, but if you can find me a pair of MXs for well under $3.5K, I will eat my shorts. That's well over 50% discount for the latest, top of the line version of a very highly regarded speaker. In fact, if you could get the MMs for that price, it would be a steal.
BTW, my last speaker before the VSMs was a pair of Vandy 3Asigs with the 2Ws. They ARE a very good speaker; maybe a BIT laid back, but not boring, IMO. At under $2500 for the mains, a real bargain. Work well with most any good electronics. YMMV.